The anti-drone screens being put up to protect armored vehicles from FPV drones in the Winter War of 2022 remind me of the chain-link fence anti-RPG screens put up around (or mounted on) armored vehicles by American troops in Vietnam. (tip):
And here's one set up when stopped (tip):

Obama began the Democratic love affair with mullah-run Iran. It's reached insane levels. FFS. Tip to Instapundit.
Well: "So
many drones patrol the skies over Ukraine’s front lines — hunting for
any signs of movement — that Ukrainian and Russian troops have little
ability to move on the battlefield without being spotted, and blown up."
Maybe drones are so effective now because there is little movement on the battlefield.
As you might imagine, I stand with tradition: "A report by the Congressional Research Service, a public policy research
institute for Congress, found inconsistencies and exceptions to
traditional ship-naming protocols stoke public perception that the
process is rife with politics."
Somalia remains a clusterf**k, al Shabaab is weaker and reliant on child soldiers, but India provides a happy ending to a pirate attack.
Iran boasts a lot about fake wonder weapons, but the 400 ballistic missiles it sent to Russia will work better than the North Korean missiles: "At one point Russian launched 24 North Korean ballistic missiles at
Ukrainian targets but only two of the missiles hit the targets they were
aimed at."
I mentioned last week Serbia's decision to buy French fighter planes rather than Russian. This says it is really about diversification plus Russia's faltering exports. Foreign policy shift not cited.
With warning time and defense in depth, Iran's attack on Israel was defeated. Israel had help: "U.S. and British fighter jets, a Patriot missile defense system manned
by U.S. troops in Iraq and U.S. destroyers off the coast of Israel, each
ready to assist." I'd heard the French and Jordanians fired, and the Saudis assisted.
Biden was outraged about October 7, 2023. But: "Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Ankara that any action it took had
to be 'within certain limits.'" So 1,200 on the rape and murder invasion were too many. Now we're negotiating with Iran about how many dead Jews in a day is okay. Tip to PJ Media.
The rise of leftist anti-Semitism in California. Much as OJ Simpson said he'd find the real killers of his two (alleged) victims, the FBI keeps trying to find the real anti-Semites in mythical white supremacist conspiracies.
Trump's "hush money" trial began. It's amazing that being blackmailed is now a crime. For some, of course.
Congress refuses to cease borrowing and spending when the media accuses it of heartless granny-killing "cuts". Our willingness to borrow isn't the only factor: "A series of weak auctions for U.S. Treasurys are stoking investors’
concerns that markets will struggle to absorb an incoming rush of
government debt."
This was not a rehearsal for 80th anniversary D-Day landing reenactments, but is reportedly border security in modern California. Tip to Instapundit.
I just don't understand why their mental health issues have to be my problem. Tip to Instapundit.
Using CS gas was once legal: "Russian troops are carrying out a systematic campaign of illegal chemical attacks against Ukrainian soldiers, according to a Telegraph investigation." But it is illegal now. CS isn't itself directly lethal in most cases, but it can get you killed.
The Netherlands steps up: "The Netherlands will provide Ukraine with €4 billion (US $4.25 billion)
in military aid in the 2024-2026 period, the Dutch government said in a spring budget update on April 15."
First combat use of SM-3: "Carney and Arleigh Burke have versions of the Aegis
combat system that were modified to track and target ballistic missiles.
The SPY-1D radar on the destroyers cues the SM-3 to attack the
ballistic missile."
Another European navy displays problems: "Belgium postponed the deployment of the frigate Louise-Marie to the Red
Sea for “an indefinite period of time” after the vessel failed a number
of technical tests during training[.]" First the Danes and Germans. Now the Belgians.
CENTCOM: "The suicide bombing at the Kabul airport that killed U.S. troops and Afghans in August 2021 was not preventable[.]" Missing the forest for the Abbey Gate trees.
I imagine their expectations are more reliable than our Navy's: "Norway is replacing six Type 210 class boats with six
Type 212CD submarines that will all be delivered by the mid-2030s. The
first new sub is expected to enter service in 2029."
Their initial force was lost and stockpiles are getting depleted: "Russia may lose its ability to carry out offensive operations in Ukraine by 2025 because of a shortage of armored vehicles." But if Russia wins this year because we don't support Ukraine, that won't matter.
Talk of the problem of cheap drone swarms requiring expensive defensive systems to defeat leaves aside what should be the solution of carpet bombing the enemy manufacturing facilities.
Nice? "[Army] soldiers collaborated with Air Force personnel [for] seamless
integration of Army and Air Force assets facilitates rapid deployment,
enabling forces to respond promptly to global challenges." But without sustainment the Army troops will be dead or prisoners before too long. Army faith is so cute!
Returning the A2/AD favor: "The U.S. Army’s new ground-based launcher, capable of supporting
Tomahawk cruise missiles and SM-6 [missiles], appeared for the first time in the
Indo-Pacific in a deployment to the Northern Philippines for military
Sounds about right: "While virtually everything that Biden has touched is falling apart, the
Democratic faithful are focused on their election tampering efforts via
various corrupt courts."
Yeah (tip to Instapundit): "How quickly the ‘Ceasefire Now!’ lobby turned into frothing warmongers.
No sooner had Iran began its criminal bombardment of Israel than these
phoney peaceniks were leaping up and down with delight." As it always has been, they have no basis for asserting moral superiority.
Cheap drones in Ukraine: "Those who dare to move day or night under the prying eyes of enemy drones 'are dead immediately,' he said." I still think there are reasons for their impact. Don't forget German soldiers on the Western front in World War II developed "the German glance." History rhymes, I suppose.
Stupid-Americans "chanted in support of the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen, a movement that recently executed 13 students
for ‘spreading homosexuality’. ..... The activist set is so blinded by hatred for Israel that it
is even prepared to turn a blind eye to the crucifixion [or stoning to death] of gays." Via Instapundit.
Okay, now The Science! is just effing with us, right? But I bet true believers will have no problem believing both warnings. Tip to Instapundit.
Doesn't the effort to combat so-called misinformation and disinformation founder on the reality that darned few people change their minds on a subject even on 100% factual information? And the collateral damage of trying to do that is catastrophic to our society and trust in institutions.
Leftists can't read our minds, so they project their own on us. As for me, I'm willing to admit that Trump is among the last I want to lead the Republicans. But he's still better than anyone the Democrats put up. Democrats can't even admit their candidate is ... fading.
Mobilizing the federal government to help Democrats win elections. Rule of law? What rule of law? Tip to Instapundit.
Constellation woes. Is the Navy determined not to efficiently build warships? "According to the Navy, the accumulation of design changes results in
only 15% commonality with the base ship. Either the source selection
picked the wrong ship, or uncontrolled change mania ruined a good
design." FFS.
Russia has had an understanding with Israel about Israeli military strikes in Syria to fight Iran. Will that end? "Russian President Vladimir Putin continued to show support for Iranian aggression against Israel during a March 16 call with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. "
If the Russians aren't busy in Ukraine, this is potentially necessary: "U.S. European Command wants $22 million to replace an aging aeromedical
evacuation center at Ramstein Air Base, where 'life-threatening
equipment malfunctions' could put troops at risk, according to budget
Training: "The United States and South Korea are carrying out their largest, annual
aerial training to “deter, defend and defeat” enemies in and around the
Korean Peninsula, according to an Air Force news release."
U.S. European Command
wants $22 million to replace an aging aeromedical evacuation center at
Ramstein Air Base, where “life-threatening equipment malfunctions” could
put troops at risk, according to budget documents.
Read more
Source - Stars and Stripes
U.S. European Command
wants $22 million to replace an aging aeromedical evacuation center at
Ramstein Air Base, where “life-threatening equipment malfunctions” could
put troops at risk, according to budget documents.
Read more
Source - Stars and Stripes
U.S. European Command
wants $22 million to replace an aging aeromedical evacuation center at
Ramstein Air Base, where “life-threatening equipment malfunctions” could
put troops at risk, according to budget documents.
Read more
Source - Stars and Stripes
Switzerland arms up. Which disturbs me. Do they really think we'll let Russia get that far west?
China helps Russia produce weapons. So Chinese can demand submarine technology that Russia still has an edge in. I guess the last favor China granted didn't get all the tech. So Putin bows more. Chinese nukes might be aimed at Russia to liberate Far East territory. That's possible. Can Russia's nukes deter China?
I'm sure the condition is that Israel doesn't strike Iran: "The European Union will prepare to expand its sanctions on Iran in response to Tehran's attack on Israel, EU top diplomat Josep Borrell said on Tuesday after an emergency video conference of the bloc's foreign ministers."
Huh: "Chinese submarine officers — except for engineers — tend to come from
candidates with the lowest college entrance test scores[.]" Chinese submarines aren't yet good enough to hide from Western forces. So why waste the best on them? Or is it a defection fear? Is that why senior officers "babysit?"
When our governmental institutions are failing as other than progressive advocacy groups, what do you expect? "Public confidence in US institutions, including the government and judiciary, has declined." Don't act like it's our fault we lack confidence. It's the institutions that must change.
The U.S. Senate and the Navy are arguing over who is more responsible for a too-small fleet. While Congress has some blame, the Navy has been on notice for a long time that it needs numbers.
Yes, the missile defense now routine was once derided as impossible when Reagan proposed it. Democrats derided it as "Star Wars" and then complained when conservatives embraced the name and made it work. That said, ICBMs are a much more difficult challenge.
How can we possibly negotiate any lasting peace settlement with Putin given his many batshit crazy notions about threats to Russia? He'll violate any agreement simply based on his conviction we tricked him or are ourselves plotting to exploit the agreement.
Doesn't this cripple it for fighting other tanks--or even seeing them? "A new example of a Russian 'turtle tank' with a shed-like metal cover on
top to help protect against drone attacks, especially by ... first-person view (FPV) kamikaze types, has emerged on the battlefield." Combined arms, people.
Not peace protesters. On the other side. On the bad side.
He speaks of China, Russia, and Iran (Persia): "The ghosts of empire are haunting Eurasia." But don't forget Turkey (Ottoman Empire), jihadis (the Islamic Caliphate), and the proto-imperial European Union, as I recently observed.
If the European Union strips away the pesky prefix of its proto-imperial project, will it be a Brussels bureaucratic dictatorship of grey apparatchiki or green men of a caliphate?
Is an Asia NATO the key to containing China? I have my doubts. Although I don't rule it out that my doubts can be overcome. Especially if a number of states in Asia increase the range of their military reach.
Is China preparing for war? "Developments under way suggest Taiwan will face an existential crisis in
single-digit years, most likely in the back half of the 2020s or front
half of the 2030s." Hmmm. Is it necessarily for all the marbles? And is there another target?
Wondering if our military is engaged in spreading misinformation and disinformation on behalf of Hamas.
Does Biden have an Iran strategy? The author thinks not. Maybe it's just a furball of hate for Netanyahu and love for mullah-run Iran and Michigan's electoral votes. But there's a strategy--Obama's strategy. Get used to a nuclear-armed, nutball mullah regime with ballistic missiles. That's the path.
As Hamas rapists and murderers are turned into folk hero victims by the Left, recall that they also tried to do that to Saddam's Baathist scum.
Brace yourselves, but this "top priority program" is behind schedule: "The U.S. Navy’s Columbia SSBN (ballistic missile submarine) program is
an effort to design and build a new class of twelve SSBNs to replace the
Navy’s current force of 14 aging Ohio-class SSBNs." Also, it uses pulse jet propulsion.
You know, I wouldn't be too shocked if Egypt sends ground forces to Yemen to battle the Houthis, financed by the Saudis, to protect income from Red Sea commercial sea traffic through the Suez Canal. Not sure how effective it would be. But Egypt has waged war there before.
Australia will focus on amphibious warfare: "It’s a strategy that critics argue too little, too late, not boosting
spending quickly enough and buying most of its new capabilities more
than five years from now." Nothing is ever fast enough or large enough. Starting to keep China far away is good.
Ukraine isn't interested in getting the A-10 as the U.S. Air Force phases it out. But an unnamed country is interested, with speculation pointed at Poland or Romania.
I just wish Biden wasn't so stubborn in refusing to defend our southern border, which led to Republican delays: "Ukraine and Israel both desperately need the military weapons that are being held up by Congress’ failure to pass a funding package for the two countries at war[.]"
Army troops seem to like their new XM7 rifles and XM250 automatic rifles with the XM157 fire control.
From SDI to shooting down Iran's aerial blitz. But a fully layered missile defense does much more. A lot of Iran's ballistic missiles failed on launch or soon thereafter. A true defense doesn't rely on accidents and poor construction.
Normally I'd say that accidents can happen when production is increased: "Explosion at BAE's 155mm artillery shell filling facility, Glascoed, in Wales!" Plus a small fire here. But: "German authorities arrested two men suspected of spying for Russia and membership of a terror group planning acts of sabotage[.]"
Basically, the recruiting pool for concentration camp guards. Tip to Instapundit.
So where's the Biden impeachment over interfering with aid to Ukraine for his own personal goals? Tip to Instapundit.
The title is misleading. The proposal is about reforming contracting regulations to encourage industry to seek Navy shipbuilding and maintenance business in order to expand our shipbuilding capacity. Outside of my lane, but in principle it sounds good to me.
This has been long promised: "Flight tests overseen by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
and the Air Force have demonstrated safe and effective employment of an
autonomous fighter jet enabled by AI, including in 'nose-to-nose'
dogfighting against a human F-16 pilot, according to officials."
Yeah: "the question of what happens if Russia
prevails in Ukraine is no longer a matter of debate. Russia’s
persistence there and the disappointing result of last year’s Ukrainian
counteroffensive have convinced many European leaders that Putin will
head for their countries next if he is not stopped in Ukraine."
Russian and Chinese pilots and air defense troops shot at Americans during wars in Korea and Vietnam. America isn't likely to send troops to Ukraine. But could NATO states pay ex-military contractors to help with air defenses behind the lines? And F-16s, too. Hey, Russia set the rules.
Defending the status of international waters: "The U.S. 7th Fleet said a Navy P-8A Poseidon flew through the Taiwan
Strait on Wednesday, a day after U.S. and Chinese defense chiefs held
their first talks since November 2022 in an effort to reduce regional
So the French prime minister is going to crack down on rising violence by "right wing" teenagers in schools. It is only in paragraph five that we read he also noted "increased 'Islamist' influences."
It's about time! "SpaceX and Elon Musk are choosing to go to the moon. The moon orbiting
and moon landing missions should be within this decade and they will
make a permanently manned moonbase as well." When I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey as a child, I saw the year as one of wonders! But no.
The man who oversees Science journals content testified "he and his peers fell short by failing to better explain to the public that science is a 'work in progress'" in regard to Covid 19. But those who said science is a process and not tablets brought down from Mount CDC were called murdering science deniers. Tip.
European pacifism has enabled Putin's invasion of Ukraine. But they want "peace" so nobody notices the blood on their hands. Pacifism and a refusal to believe the West is superior tilt the battlefield to the enemy's favor.
Even New Zealand? " Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon
agreed on Thursday to deepen defence cooperation and expressed serious
concern over the South China Sea, where the Philippines and China have
had maritime run-ins." Huh.
Just in case: "Philippines and US forces will sink a target ship, retake an island and
sail in waters facing the South China Sea in joint military drills that
will start next week[.]"
But Iran denies it has ever pursued nukes: "The U.S. announced a fresh set of sanctions on Iran targeting the
production of unarmed aerial vehicles Thursday as Tehran warned Israel
it would review its official stance on nuclear weapons if its atomic
facilities were attacked." And Iran has cash from lifted sanctions.
Huh. There will be a federal prosecution on this, right? LOL. Tip to Instapundit.
America should have sunk it or boarded it months ago: "An Iranian ship suspected of providing intelligence to the Houthis is sailing home." It provided targeting information for Houthi missile and drone attacks at sea. Why didn't we do something about it? Oh, right.
Away from the front lines, Ukraine continues to inflict pain on the Russians. But if the main land front falters as Russia hammers Ukraine's army, none of it will matter.
I find it demeaning and insulting to suggest that non-elected Democrats wield the real power in the White House. Accurate. But still demeaning and insulting. If this is what "our democracy" looks like, I want no part of it. I'll take plain democracy without modifiers, please. And with rule of law, of course.
I think Trump should vow to end the cannibal scourge--an Axis of People Eaters--that has plagued our soldiers. Make the media explain why Trump is saying that. Tip to Instapundit.
It's not good: "The Navy said Thursday, April 17, 2024, that its four shipyards would
get a “C+” if graded on their ability to repair ships damaged in a
sustained military conflict." I fear the self-assessment was inflated to avoid encouraging China.
Okay: "The U.S. Army plans to complete its multidomain task force structure by fiscal 2028[.]" I have concerns if this is just being a Navy auxiliary. But if it is getting long-range firepower to work around the Air Force apparent lack of interest in helping the Army in its core competency, okay!
Big, if true: "Ukraine on Friday said its forces had shot down a Russian Tu-22 bomber mid-air for the first time." Ukraine said it used a modified Soviet-era S-200 (old school SAM-5) missile. Good news even if a mechanical malfunction. But ultimately the war will be determined by the ground forces.
Old school: "Ukrainian truck-mounted machine guns use thermal scopes and tablet
computers to receive target information that allows the vehicles to get
into position to shoot down the Russian Shahed cruise missiles with
machine gun fire." They destroy 40% of the missiles.
Where the Patriot batteries are. And the missile's back story.
That China-Russia-Iran axis is less than meets the eye: "While concerning to a degree, this axis is, currently, more rhetorical than real." I'd add North Korea to what is at its core a Russia-China issue. But I agree we shouldn't give the axis more credit than it deserves.
FLASH OVERRIDE: I would like to announce that I'm gender static. /NOTHING FOLLOWS/
Our banana republic isn't defined only about weaponization of our laws: "The astronomical rise in the U.S. national debt poses 'significant
risks' to the global economy and threatens to continue fueling high
inflation, according to a new warning from the International Monetary Fund." Tip to Instapundit.
It was this spectacle that convinced me to never vote for a Democrat at any level of office when before I'd been open to it below the federal level affecting foreign and defense policy. As is well known, rants should be dignified. Tip to Instapundit.
It's a crime that Biden refused to secure our border and let Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan swing in the wind to avoid doing his damn basic duty. To be fair, no matter what Biden promised about securing the border, he wouldn't have done it.
Japan has a light carrier again. China effed up.
When you see those pro-Hamas protesters carrying black-on-yellow signs, be aware that they are scumbag Marxist-Leninists from the International ANSWER organization that never met a thug enemy of America they didn't love. I don't know why black on yellow is ANSWER's signature style, but it is.
"Mean girls" rising? "Epitomized by the congressional 'Squad,' radicalized women are driving
the party ever further to the leftist fringe on issues such as embracing
Hamas, apocalyptic climate policies, mass illegal immigration, and transgenderism." Hmmm. Seems like a lot of "mean boys," too. Via Instapundit.
Haredi opposition to defending Israel.
I've long suspected leftist eagerness to transform America through open borders would backfire: "Latinos and other immigrants also tend to be largely patriotic in their attitudes, while progressive youth have the least degree of attachment to the nation." Anybody can become an American--except progressives.
Huh: "Combine the problem of sinking cities [almost half of the 82 major cities] with China's massive population,
and as the researchers point out in their study, you have a recipe for a
human and infrastructural disaster." And a political disaster? Damn shame.
Here's Australia's new defense strategy: "Australia’s strategic environment demands a fundamentally new approach to the defence of Australia and its interests. " I don't see it as a new strategic approach as much as it is cutting other defense functions to focus on it.
Israel's aerial demonstration over Iran--it really wasn't a strike--knocked out an Iranian air defense radar protecting important Iranian nuclear facilities. Israel's "strike" was only a warning of what Israel could do if Iran repeats its direct attack on Israel. Although I worry that such a warning is too late.
I'll grant this will worry China about Western technology: "China will be re-calibrating its plan to seize Taiwan to take into account lessons learned from Iran’s failed attack on Israel, defence experts say." On the other hand, China might not telegraph its initial salvo as Iran did.
To be clear, unlike the way headlines imply, Argentina is not seeking to join NATO: "Argentina formally requested on Thursday to join NATO as a global partner[.]" A partner is different than an ally.
Oh no: "A military base in Iraq housing a pro-Iranian militia has been damaged
in an explosion, killing one and wounding eight, security officials
there have said." Anyway ...
Good: "The US Navy’s USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier recently fired
RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missiles in the Pacific Ocean in what appears
to align with the service’s ongoing effort to improve, refine, upgrade
and maintain critical elements of its 'layered ship defenses.'" But are carriers predator or prey?
The U.S. military anticipates re-opening the aid flow: "Many U.S. weapons are already positioned in stores across Europe that
could be pulled immediately for Ukraine, the first official said. Some
materiel could reach Ukraine in days; others may take weeks." I said I hoped we had the aid locked and loaded.
My, my. The European Union has been punishing Britain for Brexit. But the EU has apparently decided it needs Britain more than Britain needs the EU. Good. That's leverage. Until recently, the EU saw Britain as a bigger enemy than Russia.
Brazil's geopolitical moment? "Brazil’s enduring aspiration for great-power status will receive a
significant boost through its leadership of the G20, BRICS and COP
conferences in 2024–25." Brazil is the country of the future. And always will be.
Interesting that Democrats may have made a one-time deal to vote to sustain Republican Speaker Johnson for bringing the Ukraine military aid bill up for a House vote. After that it will be up to majority of Republicans to stop the caucus from forming a circular firing squad. Democratic control would be worse.
Pro-Russian Moldovans allege that the Moldova government is "Russophobic." Point of order: It is isn't a phobia when Russia actually is out to get Moldova.
Oh? "Putin recently advocated for migrant labor as the only viable solution for Russia’s ongoing and future labor shortage." Or maybe stop killing off young Russian men sent to conquer Ukraine; and stop driving young Russian men into fleeing abroad to avoid dying in Ukraine?
Good: "The House of Representatives has finally approved billions of dollars in
new US military aid for Ukraine to help combat Russia's invasion." The article finally notes the border issue but does not say that Biden refused to control the border, preferring to let Ukraine dangle rather than protect America directly.
Thanks, Putin: "The Ukraine War created disruptive shortages worldwide." Russian attacks have damaged Ukrainian energy, water, and sewage systems. Russia needs to be defeated.
Iran's proxy network.
Fingers crossed: "Maldivians voted in parliamentary elections Sunday, in a ballot crucial for President Mohamed Muizzu, whose policies are keenly watched by India and China as they vie for influence in the archipelago nation." China wants a longer string of pearls. But we have options, too.
And of course, military aid to Israel and Taiwan was passed by the House when it passed Ukraine aid. But helping Israel defeat Hamas was expected notwithstanding the loud pro-Hamas element in the Democratic Party; as was aid to Taiwan to resist a potential Chinese invasion.
Xi reorganizes cyber, EW, and space assets: "The changes are aimed at better adapting China’s military to the 'informatization' conditions of modern warfare ... The
restructuring will lead to 'better deployment” of satellite systems,
cyberspace, and when conducting electronic warfare[.]" Is this for political control?
Democrats really undermine the reality that aid to Ukraine is for America's security through Ukraine and not a gift to Ukraine: "House Democrats erupted in cheers and applause when the bill passed,
with several lawmakers waving Ukrainian flags on the floor." Democrats confuse me: