Support TDR

You can support The Dignified Rant publishing empire by subscribing to, sharing, and reading my new Substack, The Dignified Rant: Evolved. For now TDR:E is free with no guilt trips! Eventually I will enable the ability to donate to support my writing.

You can buy a collection of The Dignified Rant posts on the theme of privatized warfare (including mercenaries):

The Dignified Rant On: Private Warfare (No. 1 January 2012) is a collection of posts from The Dignified Rant, on the issue of mercenaries, privatized warfare, and nonstate actors emerging on the state-centric world stage. It is just 99 cents.

Be warned that I didn't know what I didn't know. The electronic version is a PDF that I can only assume sucks when looking at it on a Kindle. If you wish to support The Dignified Rant, buying a copy is an easy and inexpensive way of doing so. And I'd appreciate that.

This planned series was more work than it justified. A more granular subject index on TDR would have been wonderful. I did start another on Iran's nuclear issue but never finished it. I don't rule out doing another one, perhaps in a different style. But I don't have anything on the horizon. For all I know, in the dozen years since I drafted that volume, generating Kindle-friendly formats probably got simplified. But back then it was not.

I do intend to add some titles here not based on the blog, in time. I hope.