Published Work

"A Mediterranean Cruiser Action," Report, Issue No. 93-3, November 1993 (Alnavco Distributors). I reproduced it on my original site [But DON'T click on it!] that once lived on this old site. (I had forgotten this wargame report existed. It was my first published item, so what the heck, I'll add this. The specific link is now dead although I keep it just in case the old site is revived. And I do still have my paper copy.)

"Oliver Hazard Perry," in Historic World Leaders: North & South America M-Z, by Anne Commire (Editor) Volume 5, Gale Research, June 1994, ISBN: 0810384132, pp. 670-675.

"Peace Enforcement: The Mythical Mission," Army Magazine, November 1996 (Arlington, Va.: The Association of the United States Army), pp. 8-12. The article won first place in the 1996 Army Magazine essay contest.

"The First Gulf War and the Army's Future," The Land Warfare Papers, No. 27, Oct. 1997 (Arlington, Va.: The Institute of Land Warfare). I presented this paper at the AUSA annual meeting in 1997.

"Landpower Needed for Decisive Victory," Army Magazine, April 1998 (Arlington, Va.: The Association of the United States Army), pp. 14-18.

"Constabulary Would Create Problems," Army Magazine More Letters, September 1998 (Arlington, Va.: The Association of the United States Army). See here for text.

"A Total Army for Total War: The Guard Divisions' Role," Army Magazine, January 1999 (Arlington, Va.: The Association of the United States Army), pp. 10-12. This article tied for third prize in the 1998 Army Magazine essay contest.

"The Path to the Future Army," Military Review, September-October 2000 (Fort Leavenworth, Ks.: US Army Command and General Staff College), pp. 91-93. When published, the editors stripped out charts resulting in garbled text.

"Rethinking Army-Marine Corps Roles in Power Projection," Joint Force Quarterly, Autumn 2000 (Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington D.C.: National Defense University), pp.38-42. Submitted for the journal's 1999-2000 essay contest on military innovation, the essay did not place in the top three but was selected to appear with the winning entries. Regrettably, supporting maps and a graphic were not included in the published version.

"Equipping the Objective Force," Military Review, May-June 2002 (Fort Leavenworth, Ks.: US Army Command and General Staff College), pp. 28-33.

"Transforming USAREUR for a Strategy of Preemption," Military Review, November-December 2003 (Fort Leavenworth, Ks.: US Army Command and General Staff College), pp. 15-20. The Spanish edition. And the Portuguese edition. [I don't know why the online version says I have a PhD. In the printed version, I am incorrectly credited with a PhD. A correction, at my request, appeared in the next issue and the online version was at one time corrected. To be clear, I should never be called Doctor Dunn. I have a MA. And I was distinguished graduate in my first MOS, of course.]

"The AFRICOM Queen," Military Review, May-June 2016 (Fort Leavenworth, Ks.: US Army Command and General Staff College), pp. 50-61. This article won third place in the 2015 General William E. DePuy Special Topics Writing Contest. The Spanish version "La reina de AFRICOM del siglo XXI". And the Portuguese version.

"Reachback for the Squad," Infantry Magazine, August-December 2016 (Fort Benning, Ga.), pp. 14-17.

"Course Could Be a Lifesaver for Recruiting," Army Magazine, July 2017 (Arlington, Va.: The Association of the United States Army), pp. 14-15.

"Bring Back the Dragon Swarms." Proceedings, August 2017  (Arlington, Va.: United States Naval Institute), pp. 48-52. [membership required for online access]

"Fighting for the Land--from the Sea," The Land Warfare Papers, No. 116, Dec. 2017 (Arlington, Va.: The Institute of Land Warfare).

"The Tyranny of the Shores: Army Planning for the Asia-Pacific Theater," Military Review, March-April 2018 (Fort Leavenworth, Ks.: US Army Command and General Staff College), pp. 101-107.

"Preparing for a Heavier Fight: Look to Abrams Tanks to Support the Infantry," Army Magazine, April 2018 (Arlington, Va.: The Association of the United States Army), pp. 42-45.

"When Everyone Has Boresight Aim: Marine Infantry Must Train for High-Tech Combat," U.S. Naval Institute Blog, October 5, 2018.

"Army Should Take Up Low-Level Air Defense,Army Magazine, December 2018 (Arlington, Va.: The Association of the United States Army), pp. 10-11. This article proposes small fighter drones to protect U.S. troops from enemy drone swarms.

"Drive Them into the Sea," Military Review, September-October 2020 (Fort Leavenworth, Ks.: US Army Command and General Staff College), pp. 68-80. The Spanish version, "Expulsarlos al mar". Also, the article is included in the 2021 MR "China Reader Special Edition".

"Bright Lights, Big Costs: Be Wary of Megacity Warfare," Army Magazine, July 2023 (Arlington, Va.: The Association of the United States Army), pp. 47-50. 

"New US Army Brigade Would Support NATO as a Backbone," Army Magazine, August 2024 (Arlington, Va.: The Association of the United States Army), pp. 7-10. 

"Pay Attention to Estonia," Army Magazine, January 2025 (Arlington, Va.: The Association of the United States Army), pp. 14-16.

I also have at least 38 papers (these are the ones I have PDFs for) published on a variety of subjects while I was a research analyst at the Legislative Service Bureau. I should probably cite them here. Some pertain to military matters.

Just because I got the rights back, here's an essay that Proceedings bought in 2000 but never published: "The Dawn of the Network and the Twilight of the Aircraft Carrier."

Finally, I have a Substack site, The Dignified Rant: Evolved. Read and subscribe if you like.