Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Bargain Hunting for the Price of Freedom

Taiwan is wealthy enough to spend more for defending their free island democracy. Cutting corners will just cut throats.

I'm not exactly against this capability

For Taiwan to become an indigestible porcupine, it must prioritize the most resilient and lethal asymmetric systems against an amphibious invasion.

Yes, those weapons are great. Get anti-ship and air defense missiles. Deploy naval mines. No argument from me on that.

Yet I think "asymmetrical" strategies are a trendy term masquerading as a defense policy. It seems like a promised cheaper shortcut to "cleverly" unhinge an enemy attack.

A strategy focused on increasing the price to China for defeating Taiwan founders on China's possible sudden willingness to endure more casualties than Taiwan can inflict. 

Taiwan of course needs to inflict losses on invading Chinese forces. But in the end, Taiwan needs to be able to drive the invaders into the sea--and America may need to help directly--as I argued in Military Review

Taiwan has to pay the price to defend everywhere.

NOTE: Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.