Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Now You See It, Now You Don't

Iran has one of our drones that malfunctioned and had to land:

A secret U.S. surveillance drone that went missing last week in western Afghanistan appears to have crashed in Iran, in what may be the first case of such an aircraft ending up in the hands of an adversary.

Iran’s news agencies asserted that the nation’s defense forces brought down the drone, which the Iranian reports said was an RQ-170 stealth aircraft.

We should bomb the craft, wherever it is. I'm sick of losing stealth aircraft that our enemies can take apart (an F-117 during the Kosovo War and a helicopter during the bin Laden hit).

Seriously, what are they going to do if we destroy the drone? Attempt to plant bombs in Washington, D.C.?

UPDATE: News reports are that we considered destroying or retrieving the craft, but decided not to go. When you consider that the Iranians apparently went pretty deep into Afghanistan to grab the craft where it went down, this seems pretty stupid. Oh, and that Iranian plot to bomb Washington, D.C. adds to this conclusion, too, of course.

We should still destroy that drone. I think we are the only ones who think we aren't at war.

UPDATE: The Iranians are showing off the craft. We should have blown it to bits.

Oh, and it might have glided into Iran after losing contact with the ground controller and running out of fuel when pointed in Iran's direction. Bad luck on that. Luck was not involved in our decision to let Iran keep this craft.

I wonder how much Russia or China will pay to get it?