Are several thousand Chinese precision ballistic missiles decisive against Taiwan when you consider that America dropped nearly 20,000 precision weapons during the overland invasion of Iraq in 2003?
Westerners are volunteering to fight for Ukraine against the Russian threat. Westerners went to Finland to fight Russia. And before Pearl Harbor, Americans went to Canada to enlist to fight Hitler.
By then, NASA will still be rooting out hate from its staff and shirt selections: "China, Russia to start building lunar research station by 2026[.]"
Lavrov ran rings around Secretary of State Kerry, so I know he's not this dense: "Russia's foreign minister claims that NATO wants to pull Ukraine into the alliance[.]" For 8 years, Russia has been pushing a once-reluctant Ukraine into NATO's arms. Strategery.
I have zero sympathy for Russian complaints that NATO could be a few hundred miles from Moscow if Ukraine joins the alliance. During the Cold War, massed Soviet armor in East Germany was a hundred miles from the Rhine River.
Liberals have let the woke drag them to the crazy left. The woke made "fiscally conservative but socially liberal" obsolete. That latter ship of tolerance for differences sailed. Just say you are "conservative" if you value tolerance. Or perhaps "fiscally conservative and socially libertarian."
FFS, what is wrong with the left and their media allies (via Instapundit)? Now they see Nazis in the Canadian trucker protest.
Ah, the sainted international community: "The United Nations' Conference on Disarmament will turn the reigns over to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for four weeks in 2022 – listing them as an upcoming rotational chair for the forum."
I don't think taxes should be spent on bike paths or other "green" so-called transportation projects until every bridge is safely maintained. Unless we require hefty bike registration fees to build and maintain that waste of road space and money that bike paths represent.
A reminder of what the left did in 2020 to elect Biden.
Booger. 😢
During the Ukraine crisis, Macron pushes for an EU army. How convenient for him.
Israel struck at Iran's weapons pipeline in Syria that feeds Iran's proxy Hezbollah.
Guam is going to be quite the missile magnet, isn't it? "North Korea on Monday confirmed that it test-launched an intermediate-range ballistic missile on Sunday that is capable of reaching Guam."
Exactly: "Calls for a neutral Ukraine typically invoke the theory of 'realism' in international affairs. However, it is simply not realistic to believe that neutrality would appease Putin or prevent further Russian aggression against Ukraine and beyond." Russian paranoia won't be reduced no matter how far west Russia pushes its border.
Tar. Feathers. Rabid hungry dogs. Fire ants. Anything else appropriate? How long will Seattle voters approve of this nonsense?
Raw politics disguised as racial wokeness. Content of character be damned. Tips to Instapundit.
In defense of the Marine LAW concept. The scale of Marines to be moved and their mission is fine for the Pacific. But the actual LAW proposal is bad. I have a much better approach. With a salvage option to achieve that. And an addition.
Exactly: "There is no credible Ukrainian threat towards Russia or its auxiliaries in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region. Nor is there any plausible NATO threat to Russia. Instead, Moscow’s complaints about supposed security threats are wholly mendacious and spurious." Putin lied. People have died. And will.
Via Instapundit: "American liberals are obsessed with finding ways to silence and censor their adversaries." These people worry me. It is a crime against language to think "liberal minded" is a synonym for "open minded." Will real liberals defeat the woke coup that speaks in their name?
When barbarians roam the countryside, trade is crippled. When one party considers the barbarians to be their street muscle, even giants like Amazon can't survive that. Tip to Instapundit.
I'm worried: "A senior US official said Monday that time was running out for nuclear
negotiations with Iran and urged Tehran to agree to direct talks to help
forge a deal." Because the original was so good?
Those damned Chinese kids, these days. Don't get your hopes up: "I stopped worrying about younger generations years ago after I read complaints by the World War I veterans that the youngsters who we now call 'the greatest generation' couldn't possibly have the guts and hardiness to fight Hitler. Seriously people, your lawn will be just fine." On the other hand, China's young people have reasons to resist.
Couldn't happen to a more--as the kids say--"problematic" army with a UN seat country.
Iran certainly can produce ballistic missiles.
Analyzing the options for a Russia-Ukraine war.
A view from Ukraine: Ukraine is the least of Russia's problems. And Putin's focus on Ukraine could be his undoing. That's certainly my view. A major, sustained war will expose how much Putin is bluffing. To be fair, the Fuck-Up Fairy does live in Russia now.
So much for Putin's constant whining: "NATO activity in the Black Sea region has become less frequent since Moscow’s takeover of the Crimean Peninsula nearly eight years ago[.]" I'm not bothered. The ships will come after the land-based turkey shoot.
A microcosm of Russia's counter-productive threats "designed" to attract Ukraine. How Westerners see genius when they look at the wreckage of Putin's policy to promote Russian security in the west is beyond me. Putin's appeasement of China inflicted quite the collateral damage.
FFS. A battlefield internet that is not robust and secure is worse than no battlefield internet at all.
I saw a video about Ukrainian school kids being prepared in case Russia invades. Including mine awareness. Meanwhile, American kids are told that "wrong" pronouns are a threat.
Remember, just because Russia has troops massed from Belarus to Crimea around Ukraine's borders doesn't mean all of them invade. Most may be for defensive purposes or to pin the Ukrainian troops in place while the main effort goes in on a narrow front.
How Idiocracy starts. Morons churning out more morons. Tip to Instapundit.
One problem we see again and again that has fractured our country is the
ability of people to assume one sin is the forgivable exception to the
character of a friend--but the damning tip of the sinful iceberg of a
foe. All people are complicated.
We're doomed, aren't we? Tip to Insanity Wrap.
When the leftist media approves of you, violence is just part of "fiery but mostly peaceful protests." If not, your actually peaceful protest has "non-violent dangers." A variation of the leftist obsession with "tomorrow's potential Islamophobia after today's bloody jihadi attack" thing.
Friends in need: "The Israeli Navy will take part in a massive American-led naval exercise [IMX], which kicked off on Monday, alongside dozens of other nations, [including Arab states.]" Well, if Iran wants to block Red Sea oil traffic from positions in Yemen, some practice is needed.
#WhyRussiaCan'tHaveNiceThings. Well, until Russians decide Putin is the source of their misery.
Putin tried to draw to an inside straight with his threats to Ukraine, but came up empty. What now? For Russia and for Putin.
Welp. Russia has the presidency of the UN Security Council for February. The sainted international community will be even more useless for protecting Ukraine. But I bet the Russians still bitch that a conspiracy gave them the shortest month.
Wait. This is so confusing. Jews and Asians, who excel in America, are "white-adjacent" according to the woke. So they are now part of the white supremacy class? I wonder what racial and religious group will be the last to get "promoted?" Sure looks like an open-door policy to me. Worst. racists. ever.
The woke horrified that the workers of the world have united--against them. Tip to Instapundit.
Situation Nigeria All F*cked Up.
Sigh: "President Vladimir Putin accused the West of trying to draw Russia into a war[.]" Just. Stop: "What? No, no. You are mistaken. We are not invading anyone. Why would you say that? Don't you like us? Are you plotting against us? In fact, you are invading. Why are you invading!?"
Americans are losing confidence in our officers: "The military needs to make the necessary course corrections to address this situation or be prepared to endure the consequences." Indeed.
An American show of support for the UAE in the face of Iran's proxy war on the UAE.
At the intersection of collusion and corruption.
Laser air defense for Israel (tip to Instapundit). Well that solves the major Iron Dome weakness.
The presence of a Confederate flag--if true and if brought by an actual protester--invalidates the Canadian truckers vaccine mandate protest? But the presence of actual communist organizers for anti-Iraq War and Occupy Wall Street protests didn't invalidate those? Now I understand the rules.
But I'm told that this problem is "transitory."
Still hoping justice delayed won't be justice denied.
Is firing Whoopi Goldberg the right response to her admittedly nutty statements? No. But until the cancel torpedo circles back to sink more of the left's standard bearers we won't get consensus on how stupid and evil cancel culture is.
Anatomy of a clusterfuck (via Treacher). And then the Biden administration tried to conceal its failure by scooping up random nearby Afghans to pad the numbers and claim mission accomplished.
A generation of retro nuts in Russia need to pass from the scene before Russia has a chance of joining the West.
Coups in Africa shouldn't be the result of people's loss of faith in democracy to cope with jihadi terrorism, but of corruption's inability to cope.
A small number of American troops will deploy to eastern NATO countries to reassure our allies during the Ukraine crisis. Most significant is the deployment of elements of the XVIII Airborne Corps' headquarters. V Corps forward elements are already in Poland. That's the command and control for a warfighting force.
Canada's trucker protest seems to be having a good effect. Via Instapundit.
We'll see if the Russians stay: "Russia has de facto 'occupied' its neighbour Belarus, MEPs have warned, even as the world's attention focuses on Ukraine." The Anschluss already seems complete.
Let's go, Justin. I used to think Prime Minister Zoolander was a joke. But he actually despises his own people.
China won't collapse but it might stagnate. Indeed, because of demographics their economy might stagnate before surpassing America as I've expected. And the CCP might not survive that. Could China fragment? China's internal future is unclear, but China clearly threatens the West and freedom.
Much like the continued production of F-15s, I'm happy to have F-16s that continue to be produced and older ones put in storage in case we need to replace losses in a major war.
Hmmm: "The [Russian] redeployments and military exercises that are taking place today are intended mostly to work out the logistics between various military districts located in different parts of the country, as well as to deploy and manage the troops in case of a major military campaign on the continent." Is the real exercise the return of forces to the Far East rather than the movement to western Russia that everyone focuses on? But I admit that I'm predisposed to seeing things this way.
Biden didn't think Afghanistan would collapse. My early mistake in thinking the Afghanistan government and military might survive our withdrawal was my belief that given what happened between 2011 and 2014 in Iraq that it was inconceivable that Biden would fail to support Afghanistan. The inconceivable happened. My sparse hopes faded as it became clear we chose defeat.
Modernizing the Russian military, incomplete as it is, requires money that Russia may not have to maintain and modernize it. Which will strain the financial resources of Russia. And interestingly, Russia's leaders fear that higher quality officers pose a threat to the government.
Recalling the Obama-era 2009-2014 "reset" with Russia. Democrats had a long history of appeasing the Soviets. So that was natural. What was unnatural was the sudden conversion of Democrats to hating Russia and seeing fantasy "Russian collusion" under every Republican bed.
I will concede it is better than Hunter's "art". Tip to The Morning Briefing.
The war on terror isn't over: "The leader of the violent Islamic State group was killed, blowing
himself and members of his family up, during an overnight raid carried
out by U.S. special operations forces in northwestern Syria[.]" Good. But I remember when killing a terrorist leader outraged Democrats.
No! Way! Tip to Instapundit.
I miss the days when we mocked the creaking pre-corpses that led the Soviet Union. Tip to Instapundit.
Israel and Bahrain link arms to oppose Iran.
It was bad enough when leftists had to fake right-wing hate crimes. Now they import aliens to do the job Americans won't do: "A man arrested last week for vandalizing Washington's Union Station with swastika symbols is a Mexican citizen with a 15-year criminal history who has been deported twice but still does not meet Biden administration standards for arrest or removal." Via Treacher.
I found John Kirby insufferable as a State Department spokesman. I've been pleasantly surprised with him at DOD. All I'm saying is that Ned Price might not be the lying moron he appears to be.
The U. S. Air Force wants pooled African airlift to lift the duties from the Air Force.
Hopefully the Army won't discharge soldiers for wearing their fleece jacket improperly.
Well, the Turks realize that they like having Russia farther from their border.
Details on the American raid that killed ISIL leader Abu Ibrahim al Hashimi al Qurayshi. It's a good day when there is another good jihadi. Delta Force carried out the raid. I assumed that. Syria seems to be their area of responsibility.
Reset to appeal to Gulf Arab states already warming ties with Israel? "Turkey’s and Israel’s foreign ministers spoke to one another over the phone for the first time in 13 years. The subject of the icebreaking call? The Turkish Foreign Minister learned the Israeli Foreign Minister had contracted Covid-19, so he called and told him to get well soon. Stay tuned."
An America "Speaker" told Americans to shut up while in China. She at least admits the CCP is "ruthless," so why let Americans go there?
Earth has a trailer. Neat. Via Instapundit.
I'm no expert, but it seems as if general lockdowns can work to slow the spread of a virus. The real question is whether the collateral damage makes any gains worthwhile. For me, a short one to "bend the curve" was defensible. After that? Nope.
The SM-6 could intercept hypersonic missiles.
China has not given Russia a "blank check" for its threats against Ukraine. Nor has China prepared to invade Taiwan. I wouldn't rule out Pratas Island as a target.
To be fair, AOC has the intellectual heft of a mossy rock.
To be fair, the Biden administration could be lying as well as the Russians who will make stuff up. I am saddened that the right has adopted the "we were lied into the Iraq war" lie. You want to talk lies? Fine. We had many reasons to defeat Saddam.
Democrats don't even like blue collar people. Democrats just want them to be props to be saved by upper class woke policies from what the left sees as their evil nature.
I am shocked. I assumed Democrats would shovel taxpayer money at them. I paid my loans and worked to minimize them. I saved for my children. Rescuing all those morons from 6-figure college debts is a giant middle finger responsible people. That should have ruled it out from the start. Tip to Instapundit.
Army prepositioned stocks in Europe. No details. But it is a shadow of its Cold War status. We need a robust REFORPOL now. We've only made a start.
France to sell Romania four corvettes and update two frigates.
Mini proxy arms race in the Balkans. Serbia has chosen ... poorly.
If Russia ultimately backs down over Ukraine because its military options are poor for what would result, will--as I wondered a couple months ago--this be the opportunity to bring Russia in from the cold?
A pageant rather than a deployment for Ford's first trip outside the barn?
The January jobs report is good. Full stop. I'm happy Americans are getting back to work. Calling in sick has no effect on that.
I'm skeptical of Germany's commitment to NATO collective defense. But is it possible that Germany has a useful role of "good cop" in dealing with Russia?
Worse than a crime--a blunder.
Fueling two conflict regions: "Providing mercenaries in Libya's internal conflict has become the main source of revenue for armed groups from Sudan's own war-torn Darfur region[.]"
Say, I'm just wondering why Western leftist activists who profess to love "peace" aren't flocking to Ukraine to be human shields against Russian aggression? They've had plenty of time to organize and get there. I mean, they were really active before the Iraq War. I wonder what is different?
Appeasement 2.0 begins: "President Joe Biden's administration on Friday restored sanctions
waivers to Iran to allow international nuclear cooperation projects, as
indirect American-Iranian talks on reviving the 2015 international
nuclear deal with Tehran enter the final stretch." Iran expects much more.
Fuck the China Olympics. People going there or broadcasting this propaganda exercise should be ashamed. Nothing to see. Move along.
Trudeau seems eager to go to war against his own people. What is wrong with Canada?
Another group exposing itself as a "Victim Class" Auxiliary of the Democratic Party.
How close are the Russians and Chinese? I say each wants the other to go to war with America. And ultimately Russia has far more to worry about from China than from NATO.
It doesn't make sense for Putin to risk war with NATO. But Lord knows what Putin, isolated in his bubble, will decide. But is Putin really immune to consequences from effing up from the criminal oligarch coalition he presides over?
Why Germany is meek in the face of Russian aggression: "Seen from Lower Saxony or Bavaria, military force is not just evil, it’s also useless." Allow me to apply the clue bat.
Could Russia launch an attack--for a small objective--on Ukraine during the Olympics; China refuses to let people attending the Olympics leave China "for their safety"; and China invades Taiwan's Pratas Island behind those hostages?
Chinese special forces and commandos. How much chaos would they create on Taiwan as China invades?
If interest rises, our debt will skyrocket. Have a super sparkly day. Tip to Instapundit.
Strategypage discusses Russian threats to Ukraine and the Baltic region. Russia will not invade and Ukrainian ability to resist is good. Also, the Russian army isn't as good as it looks.
Scam. Via Instapundit. But those who donated only donated to feel good about themselves. Mission accomplished. Black Props Matter.
Russia began the crisis with NATO. So LOL: "Russia is labeling a U.S. assessment of a possible invasion of Ukraine as 'scaremongering,' as the Biden administration moves to bolster NATO forces in the region." That's an admission of failure.
Actual violence at Canadian trucker protest. So the totally peaceful protest is now "mostly peaceful". Trudeau and a compliant media put the figurative target on the protesters, right? That's how that works, I'm told. Tip to Instapundit.
Russia adds battalion tactical groups on Ukraine's borders. But don't over-hype the BTG. Although they are probably good for a punitive mission that destroys and withdraws.
I spent a career working with people from both parties. Democrats were as reasonable as others. I was feeling bad for speaking harshly of liberals and Democrats on TDR. At one time I spoke of "the Left" to distinguish the totalitarians from liberals or Democrats. My guilt for broadening my complaints is misplaced. The Left took control of liberals and the Democratic Party. It's not me. It's them.