Iran is trying to drive America from Iraq. President Obama reintroduced American troops to Iraq to wage Iraq War 2.0, in recognition that pulling out of Iraq in 2011 led to the 2014 ISIL takeover of much of northern and western Iraq. Trump completed the war Obama committed America to fighting. And Trump is defending the victory by refusing to skedaddle short of victory. The death of that sentient slime Soleimani is just part of that.
So what exactly is the major malfunction of the Democrats and their media cheerleaders?
Killing that SOB should unite us. This is good news. It isn't "war over" level news, but it is good. The man helped kill hundreds of American troops in Iraq and many others. And now he's room temperature. Excellent, right?
But Orange Man Bad.
These idiots would have protested this operation.
I celebrated the killing of Osama bin Laden despite Obama ordering his death. Hell, I didn't even complain about Obama's victory lap. But I'm a better person than the Confused Americans raising objections to killing a murderous Shia jihadi scumbag.
Remember, when you wonder why God gave us JDAMs, Soleimani is high on that list.
Do you wonder why I say I can no longer even think about voting for a Democrat at any level--not just their presidential aspirants--of government?
But let me address a matter of history and policy instead of the depressing mullah cheerleading. Retired General McCaffrey (who, as commander of 24th Infantry Division--now 3rd ID--held the land speed record in the Middle East from 1991 to 2002) said Iran proved it is willing to endure heavy casualties to confront America because "there were a million dead" in the Iran-Iraq War [I later added a link to a summary of my manuscript on that war that I almost sold years ago--I should go back to it, which is in the middle of a big rewrite I started in the early 1990s ...].
One, he is misleading by saying it that way. Iran did not suffer a million dead. There were a million total casualties--killed and wounded. The likely death toll was 100,000 Iraqis KIA and 200,000 Iranians.
Two, the casualties Iran did endure helped to break them in the war. Back then the Iranians showed they weren't eager to suffer more casualties to beat Iraq. Where is the evidence that Iranians are eager or at least willing to endure heavy casualties today? After all, America losing under 60,000 dead in Vietnam is said--50 years after our heavy combat role there--to still make Americans reluctant to risk the lives of our troops. Why aren't we eager or willing to lose troops because of our casualties?
So that is just BS.
UPDATE: We came, we saw, he died. Ah, fun times, dead thug-wise.
I can't quite put my finger on what was different back then during the Obama administration as opposed to now during the Trump administration. Tip to Instapundit.
UPDATE: As some on the left prayed for Baghdad to be "Trump's Benghazi" (so Benghazi is bad now?) don't forget that Soleimani was involved in planning the actual Benghazi attacks. Tip to Instapundit.
So we actually got a belated retaliation for that attack. Are we patient, or what?
UPDATE: The memes on Soleimani are hilarious. Remember, Soleimani didn't kill himself.
UPDATE: Amazingly, Iran still hasn't done anything to make Democrats in Congress admit Iran has been waging war on America for forty years.
UPDATE: Ah, the communists finally came out in America to defend Iran:

The ANSWER group is a hard core communist group. These people are not confused. But they are on the other side. Note that the article does not mention that the "protesters" are communists who always side with our enemies.
Black lettering on yellow is their signature style. I don't know why.
UPDATE: Via Instapundit this old story about the Workers World Party which created the communist front group ANSWER.
It's not like the media explained this reality at any time over the last two decades so why would they start now?
UPDATE: I'm not seeing the eagerness to die for the mullahs in Iran:
Their supreme leader promised revenge and thousands gathered in Tehran to watch American flags burn, but any show of defiance after the assassination of their most prominent military man is laced with anguish for many Iranians. ...
“How do they expect people to rally behind them and support their cause for vengeance when they beat the same people on the streets and cut their internet just a few weeks ago?” said Atena, 30. She expects action to avenge Soleimani. “I don’t think they should or will stay silent, but I don’t want to be part of the drama because this is their loss, not mine.”
So there's that.