Friday, January 03, 2020

Good Men With Weapons Trump Hate

Nigerian jihadis beheaded or shot 11 people, claiming it was in "retaliation" for American special forces killing the jihadi scumball al-Baghdadi in Syria recently:

A Nigerian offshoot of ISIS on Thursday claimed responsibility for the killing of 11 people, calling the deaths a retaliation for the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in northern Syria two months ago, according to The New York Times.

The group released video Thursday of members cutting 10 people’s throats and shooting an 11th person, with a voice-over calling the killings a “message for Christians,” although Nigerian experts told the Times that based on the group’s previous tactics, some of its victims were likely Muslims.

I eagerly await the explanation from Western leftists that this is totally justified. I mean, the jihadis hate us because we invaded Iraq (and freed Iraqis) and otherwise interfere in the Middle East, right? That's what our progressive brethren have told us all the time since September 11, 2001.

I say don't ask why jihadis hate us. Ask why they hate. Pretty much anything will set off their murderous rage.

In my most pessimistic moments, I wonder why we hate ourselves.

Still, there is hope. And until then, kill jihadis enthusiastically without remorse or guilt. The only good jihadi is a dead jihadi.