Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Biden Will Let Iran Go Nuclear. Is Israel Cool With That?

The Biden administration is driving forward to Iran Nuclear Deal 2.0. And it will likely be a wink and a nod enabled by third parties to avoid pressure to submit it to the Senate for approval--or even to Congress in the farcical process Obama set up to put high hurdles for Congress to reject the awful original.


Biden is pushing for a replacement for the awful 2015 nuclear deal. Yet Israel is silent

All indications are that the United States under President Joe Biden is close to reaching an interim deal – or at the very least some sort of unwritten understanding – with Iran that would see Tehran scale back its uranium enrichment in exchange for billions of dollars.

The author gives three reasons for Israel remaining silent. None is because of a determination to act. 

The Biden administration telegraphed its romance--welcoming a man who boasted about Iranian efforts to kill Americans (tip to Instapundit): 

U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) tapped Hussein Mousavian, a former member of Iran’s nuclear negotiating team who works as a Middle East security and nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University, to headline its 2023 Deterrence Symposium, a high-level powwow that brought the former Iranian official shoulder-to-shoulder with America’s top military brass.

Why would Biden do this? Because Democrats bizarrely love mullah-run Iran. And Biden appointed the OG Fuck-Up Fairy to take point on reviving the deal. A man who has the oddest faith in Democrats' ability to turn Iran into a good responsible partner with nuclear concessions--even at the price of alienating our regional allies by trying to throw them under the bus.

Is Israel cool with this? They see no problems with it? 

Or maybe Israel abandoned hope of influencing the Biden administration--that loooves mullah-run Iran--and is preparing to strike Iran's nuclear program with the assistance of its new Gulf Arab friends also worried about a nuclear-armed Iran? 

And perhaps the most enraging aspect is that the Biden administration will pretend its strong resolve compelled Iran to capitulate to American terms for a deal. Even as the administration learns from and expand on the first deal that avoided having a complete agreement that can be examined by having a completely unwritten "understanding!" Don't tell me you don't expect the misinformation campaign to be even worse than the original.

And we all know the "understanding" will remain what is always was:

The Iranians will pretend not to have a nuclear weapons program; and we will pretend to believe them.

Unlike Biden, the Israelis know this is BS. And they know Iran isn't going to respond to goodness lessons. And I worry Iran needs to stall an attack only a little bit more. Israel might not be able to shut down Iran's nuclear program for good. But buying time could be Israel's only alternative to hoping the mullah nutballs can be trusted with nukes.

Does Israel share my worry? The Biden administration sure doesn't.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.