Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Unrequited Love

Why do Democrats love mullah-run Iran so much?


The Biden administration says it’s going to revamp and enhance diplomacy toward Iran as the U.S. looks at restoring constraints on the country's nuclear program and reining in its regional ambitions. [emphasis added]

"Restoring" constraints on Iran's nuclear program?

The Iran nuclear deal was a supportive wet kiss! As I noted in this post:

In fact, the deal expired in stages and after 15 years of shielding Iran from attack, enabling Iranian cheating by giving Iran benefits up front and caving in to Iranian threats to leave the deal if called on their cheating. The incentives to ignore cheating was clear. And the deal actually helped Iran with basic nuclear technology

"Reining in" Iran's regional ambitions? 

That failed before Trump withdrew from the deal!

Thank God Trump put speed bumps on the road to Farsi Nuclear Farce 2.0:

Thanks to President Donald Trump’s imposition of ... sanctions on Iran, [ending them is] sure to plague Biden and his aides as they seek a path back to the 2015 nuclear agreement. The president’s team is in a political bind: They must tread carefully before rolling back the thicket of sanctions Trump left behind, but Iran insists most if not all of them must be eliminated before the deal can be revived.

Despite those obstacles, Biden is determined to "balance" America's Middle East policy:

Balancing relations between Israel and the Gulf Arab states will be key challenge for Biden, along with collective pressure from EU partners get Tehran back to the table in constructive ways. For now, however, there is smoke on the horizon, and Iran is behind it.

He will balance between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. That is, he will treat two allies worse in order to treat an enemy that wants nuclear weapons better. The enemy we have seen spreading fires in the region and which has no reason to stop burning down the region.

Once more, as Obama did, America will come to a deal based on a very simple formula: Iran's mullahs will pretend they don't want nuclear weapons. And America will pretend to believe them. Everything else will be Biden administration lying spin.

Sadly, the media will go along with the Ben Rhodes misinformation and propaganda treatment again as America circles back to the horrible Iran nuclear deal.

And the Biden approach could very well make a new Middle East War inevitable (tip to Instapundit):

When IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi announced last month that he had ordered the relevant IDF commanders to prepare operational plans to strike Iran’s nuclear installations, most commentators assumed his target audience was the Iranian regime. Others argued he was issuing a warning to the Biden administration. The former claimed he sought to force Iran back from the nuclear brink. The latter argued he was demanding the Biden administration take Israel’s positions seriously before it moves ahead with abrogating the sanctions.

But in the face of the Biden team’s strategic fanaticism and Iran’s race to the nuclear finishing line, it’s at least equally likely that Kochavi’s intended audiences were neither the Iranians nor the Americans. Instead, he may well have been telling the Israeli public to be prepared for what is coming. And he may also have been telling Israel’s regional partners that the time for joint action is now.

Trump's determination to work with Iran's enemies to halt the mullah drive for nukes may have been the key to preventing a war. Biden claims to want to undo that restraint by reaching out to Iran again. Despite the failure of the first round that neither halted Iran's nuclear drive nor reined in their regional ambitions.

Have a super sparkly day.