Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Eager to Crown Himself Emperor

The Euro imperial overlords want to hide that they want an imperial state free of American influence.

Do not become confused. Macron is not saying what Trump said about Europeans spending on their defense, but with nuance:

French President Emmanuel Macron is pushing Europeans to embrace “strategic autonomy” as the best way to revitalize NATO and address global challenges from the pandemic to arms control to climate change.

Speaking at an Atlantic Council online forum Thursday, Macron said, “we have to be much more in charge of our neighborhood.” He is urging other European nations to up their defense spending as a clear demonstration of their commitment to burden-sharing with the United States on security.

Later in answer to a question, Macron said, “the Middle East and Africa is our neighborhood, not the U.S.’s.”

He added the EU’s stepped-up commitment to security spending put an end to a “lose-lose situation” where the United States has to commit large number of forces to the continent and the Europeans have no say in the big decisions on their own defense.

“Now we are operating in a new era,” he said.

Macron said he wants Europeans to think of the EU as an entity concerned with security as much as economic issues. The union should be one that works in “political coordination with NATO” to ensure interoperability when called into action.

Let's examine this, shall we?

It is laughable to say that the Europeans really want to spend more on defense. If they wanted to we wouldn't have had four years of Trump publicly and loudly pressing European NATO states to increase defense spending. As I wrote some time ago in a data dump:

The NATO secretary general says that the European Union defense ambitions will complement NATO efforts rather than duplicate or take away from NATO. Hogwash. In what alternate Europe where Europeans spend too little on defense will money spent on non-NATO capabilities not harm NATO capabilities? Absent--God forbid--political integration, military integration is pointlessly wasteful.

But we are to believe that Europeans are eager to spend more. But only if they can do it through the EU? I haven't sustained nearly enough head trauma to be that nuanced. The proto-imperial European Union considers American-led NATO its immediate threat that must be destroyed to pave the way for an imperial state. Any European defense spending done within the EU will come out of spending within NATO. 

The European Union wants America out of Europe more than it wants to keep the Russians out. So spending money on an EU defense is far more about reducing American influence than about stopping Russia. Or about operating in the Middle East and Africa without American help.

The pro-European Union stories seem to be coming fast and furious lately. I guess they are looking for support in Washington, D.C. May the Euros fail. But I fear they have friends in the White House now. As we debate threats from Russia, China, and Iran, don't forget that we don't want to lose Europe to the enemy column.