It strikes me that Republicans should resist Biden with precision and not the massive and unhinged Resistance Democrats used. I've noted Biden's decline in popularity already. That makes sense because so many people voted against Trump and not for Biden. So Republicans should not do things that drive those reluctant Biden voters to embrace Biden. Consider that in 2016 I voted Libertarian. I had a long history of despising Trump and considered him a liberal Democrat in a Republican skin suit. I could not bring myself to vote for Trump in what I thought would be a losing campaign. Yet I was thrilled that Hillary! lost. And even at the time of Trump's victory I figured my happiness would wear off as Trump behaved like Trump. Note that I never had a worry he'd be a dictator. But my relief that Hillary! lost never faded. Because the Democrats went insane in their 24/7 turn-the-dial-to-11 Resistance. So insane that not only was Trump literally Hitler but so too were all of his supporters according to Democratic leaders and their Twitter shock troops. Republicans need to refrain from going insane the other way. Block Biden initiatives. Amend them when possible. Resist the far left and their purge instincts. Fix the election process. Which means reassuring the public about validity even if no significant fraud occurs. Curb social media power. But not with regulation. Just don't drive persuadable people to support Biden because Republicans are acting worse than the Democrats.
The government is fine with colleges discriminating against Asian Americans. But at least they won't have to experience the indignity of hearing "China Flu!" So they've got that going for them. Which is nice. Tip to Instapundit.
Paganism revived? And yeah, the current Pope doesn't seem very Catholic these days. Via Instapundit.
Actual coup. No viking hats in sight. Democrats take note.
Sweden is rearming. And is only the most obvious Nordic and Baltic region rearmament in the face of Russian threats. I suspect that NATO membership for Sweden and Finland will be a package deal. Both at once or neither until both are ready.
This comedian is really funny. We need it.
Huh: "In a brutal examination of [Ursula von der Leyen's] record this weekend, the influential German news magazine Spiegel
concluded that VdL, as they refer to her in Berlin, was good at only
one thing: evading responsibility for a series of disasters as family
minister, labour and social affairs minister and then defence minister." In the last data dump I mentioned her sorry record at the helm of Germany's defenses before mis-steps at the EU. The record is horrifyingly longer. I'm not shy about my view of the proto-imperial EU's plan to get rid of the prefix. So it is a good thing that VdL will likely be promoted again to be the empress of the empire one day. She'll doom it if her record is any indication.
Yes, universities have declared war on military history. But that war was declared a long time ago. I still recall my eagerness in my first-term American history class when World War II came up on the syllabus. I so looked forward to what a University of Michigan professor would explain about the war! He said, and I quote, "We won. Read about it in the course material. Now on to the post-war." In a political science course on the Middle East, we had a massive crisis simulation. I was the Syrian defense minister. I researched what I had to use and put it in the simulation library for other players to see. But I had to go to the course professor to explain how the Iraqi defense minister (under Saddam at that time) had submitted a work of pure fiction on the military power he had available for the simulation we'd play. The professor had no clue. Luckily I had photocopied pages for Iraq from The Military Balance bible. The professor gutted the Iraqis. On the other hand I had one really good political science teaching assistant. He was heading into the Navy and so we could have intelligent discussions about the Falklands War unfolding. And at least in graduate school I had an actual military history class from a good professor. But when I went to the American Historical Association convention in Chicago with my new MA, I was horrified at how military history was disdained and ignored. I let my membership lapse after that, realizing the group had no place for people like me. In my brief tenure teaching American history, I gave my students military history as part of the course. The text had virtually nothing. So yeah, it's been a long war. I actually admire Ohio State for keeping the flame alive. As an undergraduate I double-majored in history and political science (the international relations kind). Few do either now, it seems. They really can't.
Is it just me or do you suspect that the Xi Jinping Flu lockdown in Xinjiang will never end. So good luck with the protests.
Protests in Moscow spread last Sunday. Across the country, 5,000 were arrested.
Sadly, it would be more painful for Hong Kongers to remain in Hong Kong with the clampdown tightening. We're not at the boat people stage yet.
Why do we let a hate group define who should be hated?
Sidney Powell ruined a perfectly good meme:
Please! I can only hope Democrats will take a break between elections! This is not a return to "normality."
In the last data dump I mentioned this development: "The only major country to grow its economy during the pandemic, Beijing
on Friday authorized its coast guard to fire on foreign vessels and
destroy 'illegal structures' in waters where Chinese territorial claims
are disputed by neighbors and, in one case, rejected by an international
court." The Philippines is under major threat from this, of course. But I'll guess this order will justify seizure of Taiwan's Pratas Islands. Which are part of the "four-sha" claims that China has elevated in its aggressive diplomacy. China has practiced assaulting the islands.Map source. I do notice more references to the islands since I pondered the usefulness to China of capturing those tiny and ill-defended islands/sea features in an operation that should have little room for unanticipated escalation.
Unclear on the concept. But don't you dare call any of them unpatriotic. Once again, the old joke that the State Department needs an "America Desk" can be revived.
I'm betting the Biden focus on domestic terrorist threats won't get around to this crowd.
The Democrats don't care that blue collar workers can't work via Zoom. Democrats used to have my respect for two issues. One, advocacy for blue collar families. I may have disagreed with policies to help them, but Democrats respected them. And two, advocacy for individual civil liberties. Democrats have abandoned both issues. And don't tell me that they care about the poor, whose children have lost a year of schooling without teachers in the same room with them. Democrats are dead to me for any political office now. That's been my view since 2018. And now they are rolling out the Great Purge of conservatives. Do the Democrats have no shame? No decency? Yeah, I'm so old that I remember when "liberal minded" was a synonym for "open minded."
Huh? "While the Iranian naval forces have been clashing with U.S. forces in the Middles East in the last several weeks, its most capable submarines have been out of action." Clashing? I think they meant to say while tensions have been heightened. I imagine even our media couldn't hide that kind of news to make outreach to Iran possible. The story mentions that when not pulled out of the water the subs can stay submerged for days. If there were actual clashes, I imagine those subs would stay submerged forever.
If only America hadn't been saddled with Trump during the Xi Jinping Flu pandemic. We could be as far along as Europeans are in eliminating the virus!
A Russian warplane buzzed an American destroyer in the Black Sea. The Russians really have become world-class a-holes, haven't they?
The Afghan Taliban can't be trusted to create peace. And Pakistan won't stop supporting the Taliban. We and our allies will need to keep helping the Afghan security forces mow the jihadi grass until something positive changes which could bring actual peace.
Automated, low-recoil, heavy mortars. Precision mortar bombs a plus.
What emergency? This has all the frenzy of a witch hunt. With a couple degrees of warming the witches to kill.
Biden won on the strength of being "not Trump." And "Biden" takes this as a mandate to do whatever his left-wing supporters want. This really should not shock anybody, but it seems to. God help us, but Biden might think he is being moderate. Tip to Instapundit.
It seems like the Biden administration is trying to stop private space flight. I actually gave the Obama administration credit for its total disinterest in space. Which had the effect of leaving the field open to private companies. And now, China smiles. I think the West needs a new frontier in space to revive its confidence and morale the way the discover of the Americas revived Europe. Because I'm sure this societal collapse doesn't apply to human society.
The politicized factions of the FBI are going to get away with their Russia collusion coup plot, aren't they? A curious media with actual high-minded whistleblowers might change that. Surely that will happen, right?
The British should be very happy that they got out of the European Union. Why those still in the EU aren't envious of the British and working to get out before it is too late is beyond me. The EU is a proto-empire demonstrating its eagerness to erase the prefix.
Remember how high-minded Democrats rallied together to purge a Democratic governor who once wore either black face or a KKK robe--he said he wasn't sure which! I don't support the Georgia representative. She appears nuts and awful. But it bugs me that she is the one who has to go when nutjobs and awful people are celebrated in the Democratic party. The Republican caucus will police their own until the representative's district can reconsider their vote in two years. If Pelosi ejects her, Republicans should compile a list for when they return to power in the House. Tip to Instapundit.
The Navy is studying the effectiveness of light carriers. Past sortie-generation efficiency argued against them. Perhaps the F-35 and precision weapons change that math. (I mentioned the Navy study in this post.)
Wow. Iran is already blinking on nuclear deal precondition demands. I don't think this retreat is from Biden administration toughness. I suspect failing to agree with Iran stems from confusion in an incoming administration. Imagine what Biden can do if he tries to be tough on Iran?
I don't know. I'm just not impressed with Chinese resistance to the surveillance-based dystopian state that the Chinese Communist Party is erecting. I think only lots of dead senior party people can resist that development.
You don't say? CNN's ratings have plunged since Biden took office. Tip to Insanity Wrap. As I already noted:
Actually, maybe this is a good sign that more Democrats are starting to not be insanely partisan. I do retain hope that the appearance of purge-hungry Democrats is an artifact of social media:
"In short, 'just 10% of users produced 92% of all tweets from U.S.
adults,' with an eye-popping 69% of those 'highly prolific users'
identifying as Democrats. ... the survey found those Democrats who are
on Twitter are much further left than Democrats who are not." Democratic
leaders could ignore that vindictive and insane tip of an iceberg if
they had some courage and honor.
The Biden press office would like fully scripted encounters with the media. I'm shocked they had to be asked. Tip to Insanity Wrap.
Scientists have taught spinach to send emails and it could warn us about climate change. Tip to Instapundit. I admit I may have wasted my time worrying about the Broccoli Threat:
Libya is heading for a humanitarian disaster.
Biden reopens immigration facility to put kids in cages overflow facilities. And you thought Trump's departure saved them?
Is South Korea's weakening army at risk of losing should North Korea invade? I highly doubt that. Unless North Korea massively uses chemical weapons which cause a collapse of ROK army morale I don't see the rotting North Korean army marching far. But the ROK army may be too weak if the PLA marches south through North Korea.
Russia collusion. This is long known, but nobody ever talks about--let alone condemn--Western groups that enable Russian energy export profits.
The EU has the decision-making powers of a sclerotic empire even before the proto-imperial body can discard the prefix.
Honestly, I think Republicans should let Democrats strip that odd Republican representative from Georgia of her committee assignments. It will be wonderful precedent for a whole bunch of Democratic representatives when Republicans gain control of the House in 2023. Later: Democrats can't say they haven't been warned.
All hail the peace partner! "Israeli media revealed that Israel, the U.S. and the UAE cooperated in disrupting Iranian plans to bomb their embassies in an unnamed East African country. The three nations have been threatened by Iran and cooperate in alerting each other when Iranian operations like this are detected." Could be Kenya or Tanzania. And also, "In Delhi, India a crude bomb went off outside the Israeli embassy. A letter left nearby said the bomb was revenge for the death of Iranian terrorism chief Qassem Soleimani, killed by an American Hellfire missile as he and associates departed Baghdad airport in January 2020. The letter claimed that this attack was just the beginning." The terror will continue until American outreach improves.
If minorities are oppressed by that weenie, it's totally on the oppressed people for still being oppressed. Tip to Insanity Wrap.
Wait a second. Representative AOC said she was directly endangered by the Capitol Building riot. As in directly threatened in her office. Her office is not in the Capitol Building. I'm honestly a little embarrassed that it didn't occur to me to doubt her story. I mean, I know that junior members aren't going to get a coveted office in the Capitol Building. Yet it didn't occur to me that the media wouldn't have known that--or even checked it out. Bad TDR. Still unknown is whether AOC was getting a Subway sandwich when she was threatened or whether the police officer trying to help her wore a MAGA hat and carried a noose. Tip to Instapundit.
A prominent Lebanese critic of Hezbollah was murdered. If you ever wonder how the Iranian proxy Hezbollah survives as a state-within-a-state, this should go a long way to explaining that. Nobody else in that fractured country is as well financed and ruthless.
Compiling a library of targets prior to war. Staying in one place outside of cover really will be suicide in the future. More so than it already is.
I will be more than happy if the Biden administration is being hit by the reality clue bat in relation to China.
Well, if the new Navy frigate and destroyer aren't a "renaissance" for Navy surface ships, we're screwed. Shipbuilding failures have become dangerously routine. We're running out of time to fix that failure. One advantage is that the Navy already wrote off the costs of the new technology we'll use.
At this point in the pandemic recovery, federal borrowing and spending should follow the wise advice of "Don't just do something--stand there!" I honestly don't know why a defense of the massive stimulus (and rescue of Blue states and cities from decades of accumulating debt) cites the 2009 Obama stimulus. Even Obama admitted that the massive spending package didn't have "shovel ready" projects. Which meant that the money was largely spent well after the Great Recession ended. Via Instapundit.
China and the question of Taiwan.
A contingent of B-1 bombers was ordered to set up shop in Norway for exercise for the first time. They would be useful for strike missions in a wide arc from the Arctic to the Baltic Sea regions. Norway has F-35s. I still think B-1s as air-to-air missile arsenal planes would work well with stealthy spotters.
The flip side of "some are more equal than others" is that some are less equal than others.
We keep talking about EMP defense but apparently don't do much. I honestly don't know what the practical vulnerability is given that we'd nuke somebody who inflicted as much damage as such an attack could inflict. I still think that stockpiling crucial electrical grid equipment that takes a long time to build is an initial step for coping with such an attack. That would be useful to do even without consensus on defense.
Inciting violence. But that was okay, I guess.
A "reality czar" would basically be a government propaganda agency. "Liberal minded" isn't just not a synonym for "open minded" these days, as I've long lamented. It is rapidly becoming an antonym. At least for the most vocal and visible of the Democratic Party. My hope is that the tip of the iceberg is the insane part that will ultimately lose.
American Lysenkoism. One more reason beyond the pandemic era refusal to teach our children for me to despise the teacher union-dominated public school system. Tip to Instapundit.
Last week I noted this: "The Navy's top intelligence officer hopes that China keeps pouring money into anti-ship ballistic missiles. Interesting. Either that is disinformation because the Navy is very worried. Or the Navy thinks it can break the kill chain." What I should have added is that perhaps the Navy thinks that the Chinese intend to use their anti-ship ballistic missiles against India.
The French see Sahel jihadis trying to expand their reach to the Gulf of Guinea region.
Satire? Or is the Democratic Party the perfect cover for the worst people?
India' latest and biggest defense budget.
Huh? Then WHAT'S THE BLOODY POINT OF GETTING VACCINATED? People are getting tired of this lockdown mania and I do not accept it as a "new normal." Why on Earth should we support an endless war on a pandemic when the pandemic is gone?
It could go either way whether the Iranian border crossers nabbed in Arizona were fleeing the mullahs or working for them.
China adopts a Blackhawk clone. Thievery was involved in building the "CopyHawk."
A reminder that it isn't only the Chinese Communist Party's fault (with an assist from their loyal WHO) for the spread of the Xi Jinping Flu to America.
A Navy-Marine amphibious ready group is operating in the northern Arabian Sea.
NATO is building a multi-national corps headquarters to anchor alliance land power near the Black Sea. Which is interesting. Located in Romania, what is the corps' mission? To guard against a Russian amphibious invasion? An insurance policy in case Turkey goes full rogue? To support Ukraine if Russia openly invades on a large scale? As a follow-on force for a NATO invasion of the Crimean Peninsula? All interesting options.
Putting the best weapons in INDOPACOM has long been part of the American shift to the Asia-Pacific region. One of the best Burke-class destroyers was deployed to Japan.
An American destroyer sailed through the Taiwan Strait in a show of support for Taiwan in the face of Chinese threats.
Hey, Trump didn't win, did he? (In case you've forgotten.) Via Instapundit.
Biden was right! We are in a dark winter like Biden predicted! "Americans' satisfaction with seven broad aspects of the way the country functions is collectively at its lowest in two decades of Gallup measurement. This includes satisfaction with the overall quality of life in the U.S., assessments of government, corporate and religious influence, and perceptions of the economic and moral climates[.]" Which makes sense. Trump supporters are naturally more dissatisfied. And a large chunk of Biden supporters got all they wanted out of Biden the moment he was sworn in as president. So many of them can look at their situation and be dissatisfied without the Bad Orange Man factor to distort their stated opinion. Tip to Instapundit.
No matter how much people on the left say America is awful, even our defeated enemies recognize that such judgments can only be made by comparison to alternatives: "Abu Arkan Ibrahim picked up a rifle and joined the Iraqi insurgency against U.S. troops when they occupied his hometown of Fallujah in 2003. He was badly burned in the fighting. Now, he fears the departure of the Americans he once battled." People like him don't worry about American support "tainting" them.
China weaponizes sand dredging around Taiwan's Matsu island just off of China's coast.
At least Biden isn't totally hosing Saudi Arabia to gain favor with Iran.
This issue is coming up again: "As the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group makes its way out of Central Command and into Indo-Pacific Command during a deployment now heading into its 10th month, discussion is once again turning to the necessity of back-to-back carrier deployments to the Middle East." Why sending carrier air wings to operate from land bases isn't on the table is beyond me.
Given their small size, I certainly hope the Marines can organize more than 3 Marine Littoral Regiments for the Asia-Pacific region. But what's with seemingly excluding the Baltic Sea from other regions envisioned as being suitable for them? Also, I remain unclear about how many Marine infantry regiments will be left after the shift to littoral regiments. Will there be any infantry capability left? It seems like the east coast Marines will be smaller but with 2 infantry regiments. What about the west coast Marines? I admit I haven't gone looking for that information. But I keep an eye out for it.
The Defense Department is beginning a worldwide force posture review. Which is good. But given Biden's (incorrect) claim that Trump ruined relations with allies it will be difficult to justify bringing troops home.
China says it successfully tested a missile defense missile.
The Americans, British, and Saudis concluded naval exercises in the Arabian Sea.
Nigerian troops overran jihadi camps. If the jihadis escaped to kill another day this is only a public relations victory.
I see somebody is taking credit for preventing a mythical right-wing insurrection after the election. Didn't I tell you that they'd claim success for keeping the pink elephants away? Rather than reassuring us about the transparency and fairness of our election system it sure sounds pretty eerie and not at all rule-of-law democratic to me. Tip to Instapundit.
Professor Obvious enlightens us. Actually, a lot of Democrats needed that enlightenment. Tip to Instapundit.
The French should feel lucky that America wasn't so effing nuanced that it thought it was wrong to gang up on Nazi Germany, eh? Is it time to revive "Cheese-eating surrender monkeys" yet?
India has some success in upgrading air defenses. With Israeli help.
The former special operations commander says Putin has "outplayed" America. I just don't see the evidence of strategic genius. And yes, Trump should have condemned Putin's poisoning of dissident Navalny. But if Putin gets public hectoring from Biden on Navalny while Biden reverses the strengthening of NATO defenses that Trump achieved, Putin will smile and rack up an actual strategic win. The former SEAL sounds like he has TDS pretty bad, actually. He sounds like he's flinging panties at Biden, for Pete's sake. Saying that now we have a president who won't roll over for Russian interference in our election ignores that in 2016 Obama was president. That's when Russia seeded our media with ridiculous propaganda (there was no "hacking" of the election). By contrast, Trump was in charge during the 2020 election. Democrats claim that was the most secure election ever. So how is Trump somehow to blame for "letting" Russia get away with interfering? If the Xi Jinping Flu and TDS viruses fade this year, America will be better off.
Yes, unrestricted immigration harms the working poor and unemployed the most. Immigration is good. Too much immigration is bad. The debate should be where the shift occurs and not demonizing those who recognize the latter.
Precedent. I admit I worry that the Democrats actually did learn from Reid's ending of Supreme Court Senate filibusters. I worry the lesson they learned isn't to be careful of what power you unintentionally grant your opponent. I worry the lesson they learned is don't ever let your opponents return to power once they gain power.
Aid groups hail Biden's decision to remove the Houthis from the terrorist list. The Houthis. The Iran-backed Houthis. The Houthis who have launched Iranian-supplied missiles and bomb-drones at civilian targets in Saudi Arabia and attacked shipping in the Red Sea. What is missed is the fact that the Houthis bear a good share of the blame for Yemen's humanitarian problems. Because the Houthis use the aid groups as their logistics arm.
The Army wants long-range precision weapons for its helicopters. And for drones, of course. Because the Air Force isn't going to be there when needed.
Wow, it really is all about virtue signaling, isn't it?
Again, repaying student loans benefits the children whose parents are well off. The people who will pay for that wealth transfer will be blue collar people who did not go to college and people who sacrificed to save money for their children's education. I will never forgive Democrats if they push this gift to Starbucks baristas who made poor choices for their master's degrees.
Yeah, we're well beyond pronoun confusion when it comes to word meaning:
Russia's massive nukes are pretty worthless, really. But I have doubts about an author who can write this of the Cold War nuclear arms race, "it wasn’t difficult for both the United States and Soviet Union to convince lawmakers and taxpayers to pour funding into weapons development." Huh? In what alternate world did Soviet rulers need to "convince lawmakers and taxpayers" to fund nuclear weapons development?! What part of Communist dictatorship is unclear? Although honestly I wonder how many of Russia's strategic nukes even work.
It seems like only yesterday that such a thing was crazy right-wing conspiracy chatter.
Good grief, get a room! Admiral Kuznetsov is Putin's broken down red sports car. And the garage burned down and fell on top of it. He should totally pour money into fixing it. Hell, Putin should build a redder one with a bigger engine!
Why does it seem like the left's desire to save the planet will basically be throwing blue collar people into the volcano to please Gaia? Or maybe insert your "Soylent Electricity is people!" reference.
As our media divides on a partisan basis, this is really just going back to 19th century model of newspapers. The major difference is that the Internet lets us see all of the partisan hackery more easily no matter where it is from. Well, let me add that the Internet tends to disable the regional flavors of the partisan news and makes it a national brand. Which is worse for polarization than the 19th century model with only regional reach. That complements the nationalization of politics because of the growth of federal power at the expense of states. And other means of providing news compete with the traditional media that slant heavily toward the left. As I heard on a podcast, some people note that it would be nice if the traditional media stopped pretending they aren't the media auxiliary of the Democratic Party. And we should all accept that for the sake of our blood pressure.
Yes, in the Senate impeachment trial, hold Democrats' past statements to their own newly formulated incitement standard.
I've noted that I worry that the GameStop phenomenon is a sign of a big downward stock correction. When the price signal role of the stockmarket is being manipulated by both sides, I worry. It isn't a new thing, actually. I didn't know that but it fits with my worry about the 1920s and playing the stock market on the theory it only goes up. I wonder if today's market is on accelerated timeframes or if we have many years to go before the crash. Tip to Instapundit.
Uighurs and Hong Kongers need not apply: "A policy created in the 1980s to help people persecuted for their political beliefs will be used by Joe Biden to assist women, children, gays, and those affected by climate change with resettlement into the United States." Those affected by climate change get priority to flee here? What? I thought America was already being ravaged by climate change?
Democratic insanity has come a long way since 2008. Before 2008 only Republican presidents were Nazis. That was the line for decades. But in 2008 candidate Obama explained Hillary's appeal to rural Democratic primary voters in Pennsylvania to their bad habit of clinging to God and guns rather than voting for someone who looked like him. By 2016, half of Republicans were deplorables according to Hillary who lost the voters she attracted in 2008. Since 2020 Democrats insist that all Republicans are evil racist Nazis. Indeed, in 2021 Biden has embraced the concept of systemic racism of America. That is, everyone and everything is deplorable. That's quite an expansion of the threat assessment, no? I guess only Democrats in college towns will be safe from being labeled enemies of the people. And that will only be because those college town people already turned themselves into the thought police after confessing their racism on TikTok. Seriously, everyone on the left seemingly works hard to be the last one accused.
I think I mentioned that the next Republican presidential candidate needs to fight hard enough to hold the new blue color multi-ethnic/racial voters Trump attracted while being nice enough to win back suburban voters Trump lost. Trump failed to do that. And he said he would. He claimed if he wanted to that he could act very presidential. Why didn't he? Was he too addicted to that adulation to risk it? Did he make the mistake of thinking that the most loyal fans he saw at his rallies and on Twitter reflected more than that tiny sliver of the population? Here's hoping that Democrats fall to that mirage of support just as hard.
Iran's expensive project for rocket technology is bearing fruit. But don't think Iran is trying to be the Elon Musk of the Persian Gulf region: "The Zuljanah’s thrust is 75 kilotons, which is far more than required to launch satellite into orbit. The large thrust makes the Zuljanah more comparable to an intercontinental ballistic missile than a space launch vehicle. The US’s LGM-30G Minuteman-III land-based ICBM for instance, has 90 kiloton thrust. The Zuljanah can rise to a height of 500 kilometers for low-earth orbit or, if launched as a missile, its range is 5,000 kilometers (3,100 miles) – far enough to reach Britain from Iran."
The Russian gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea is resuming construction. I guess for some recent reason threats of American sanctions are no longer believable. Trump didn't want it because it would increase Russia's ability to shut off the heat in Europe during the winter. And it bypassed Ukraine so Russia could shut off Ukraine's heat without affecting Europe further down that pipeline route. Meanwhile in North America Biden shut off the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada. Restoring alliances and seriously containing Russia is grand, eh! Reset!
Oh come on! They're just effing with us, right? Or is the drive for Peak Stupid going into overdrive? But maybe I'm just trying to hide the fact that under that standard I'm clearly the worst racist in the world. Admit it, that's one Hell of an acronym.
So who is screwing up vaccinations? A vaccine that shouldn't even exist according to the line that blames Trump for all things Xi Jinping Flu pandemic?
Once more with feeling in Libya! Will the deal lock in Russian and Turkish military presence in Libya? Egypt is supportive.
The bright side of Congress wasting time on Impeachment II: This Time It's Personal is that they aren't passing laws that will make things worse. So we've got that going for us. Which is nice.
Good news on Xi Jinping Flu pandemic infections in America. I'm sure that this is totally because of Biden's effect in his brief reign so far.
"Aggressive niceness." Maybe the person who wrote that has to consider whether she is one of the baddies:
Blue on blue conflict. I'm siding with the city of Chicago. And how bad is the teachers union for children when even a deep blue city government is out of patience with the union's refusal to teach our children?
Are hypersonic missiles over-hyped? I've mentioned them, I'm sure. I haven't hyperventilated about the status of the "race." I'm persuadable that they are useful or that they are a waste. I guess there is incentive to pursue research in case a foe perfects a useful weapon and you have not. Tip to Instapundit.
I think this is a fake Biden "hard line" demand: "President Biden said the U.S. will not lift sanctions against Iran unless the country stops enriching uranium, continuing a standoff with the country's supreme leader, who has demanded that sanctions be lifted before the country returns to its obligations under the 2015 nuclear deal." Of course Iran will halt enrichment to get the deal. The halt just has to last long enough for Iran to benefit from the deal in other areas of the nuclear weapons production process. Heck, North Korea would sell Iran the highly enriched uranium for some of the money generated by ending sanctions. A new deal will shield Iran from an American military strike and sanctions. But making the fake "demand" allows Biden and his media allies to pretend that Biden took a hard line and that the mullahs blinked. Have a super sparkly day.
Oil workers have no jobs? Well, let them eat cake! Tip to Instapundit.