Friday, November 02, 2018

Perhaps God Hasn't Abandoned Russia, After All

Did God just save Russia from wasting money on their broken down red sports car aircraft carrier?

Russia's only aircraft carrier was damaged and a giant floating dock sank after a crane crashed onto the vessel as it was undergoing repairs near the Arctic city of Murmansk on Tuesday. ...

"We are assessing the extent of the damage. A crane fell onto the deck from a height of about 15 metres (45 feet)," the head of Russia's United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexei Rakhmanov told the TASS news agency.

"It is clear there is damage to the hull and the deck. Fortunately, it happened on those parts that are not vital" to the work of the ship.

Yes, 'tis but a scratch to Admiral Kuznetsov.

Will Russia waste even more money to fix this smoking tenement with a flight deck despite God reaching out his hand against that POS white elephant?

God, I hope so! Fixing that ship is such a waste of resources that I can't believe Russians bother with the ship.

But they might. The Admiral Kuznetsov always triumphs!

Keep fixing Kuznetsov! It has huge ... tracts of flight deck!

Just to show us!

UPDATE: More on the incident. The carrier may have survived but the floating dry dock needed to repair the carrier did not.