Friday, November 09, 2018

The Euro Royalty Are Not Amused

The fact that ever closer union by the European Union on the road to a multi-ethnic imperial state is causing unrest within Europe should tell you all you need to know about whether the EU will end war in Europe.


After the 55 million deaths caused by WWII, after centuries of nationalist and imperialist wars left Europe in ruins, the peoples and the national governments across the continent finally realized that European unity was the only way to stop this madness.

Immanuel Kant had had this vision 150 years earlier in his philosophical treatise “On Eternal Peace.” So, at long last, Europe’s leaders set out to turn it into reality. Over the next decades, the Common Market, the European Community and the European Union emerged, followed by a common currency. Dictatorships fell and democracy prevailed throughout the continent.

Those dolts actually believe the anti-democratic EU caused dictatorships to fall in favor of democracy.

If unified pan-European government is so great, maybe letting Hitler win would have established peace, no? Or maybe they should have let the Kaiser win. Or Napoleon. Heck, pity the Mongols turned back, eh? Darn the luck that NATO stopped the Soviet Union from dominating the continent. Ah, the joys of a unified and peaceful continent denied!

I find it even more amazing that these people reflect the persistent belief by European elites that the bloody peasants forced their rulers to wage bloody wars across the continent for centuries.

If only the EU can take away the power of those pesky member states, all would be well, they think.

American-led NATO has been the true source of peace and freedom in EuropeThe EU dreams of ejecting America from Europe by building an alternative pan-European defense capacity. The only mention of NATO is the article is when the authors argue that European NATO states should build a European military--which the Eurocrat apparatchiki would control, of course.

Which would mean that when Europeans go to war with each other it will be an internal civil war; allowing the Euro elites to claim they really did stop (inter-state) war! Promotions and bonuses all around!

Speaking of the reprehensible EU:

Since the president pulled out of the [Iran nuclear deal], the EU has been working feverishly behind the scenes to protect the relationship between Europe and Iran, including publicly calling for a special purpose vehicle to help businesses avoid American sanctions, and the implementation of a blocking statute also intended to protect European businesses.

European businesses aren't happy with this imperial effort, preferring to do business with America rather than Iran given the potential American sanctions on them for working with Iran.

And note again what I've pointed out: Europe is more eager to punish Britain for Brexit than they are in punishing Iran for pursuing nuclear weapons and destabilizing the Middle East.

As I've long said, we can have friends in Europe, but Europe is not our friend.

I've been clear about my opinion about the EU, I hope. Why America would support this monstrosity in the making is beyond me. The fact that the effort is being led by elites in suits promulgating ever-expanding cheese regulations rather than tanks should not confuse us.