Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Get Out of Woke Jail Free Card

Lileks has a post on Halloween. Yes killjoys are wrecking it and I still think of it as a children's holiday that I have no interest in joining. But with the Halloween Wars past us for a year, this aside with an angle on our international reputation does get me:

Pancho Villa belongs to that peculiar American hemisphere group of people who somehow stopped being colonialists and conquerors and became, well, you know, the people who live down there. It was a neat trick, one of the more interesting sleight-of-hands I’ve seen. You rarely hear people talk about how Mexico was stolen from the Indians.

Yeah, how did Mexico--and ever other Latin American country--escape the guilt trip of colonialism that is saddled on America (and to a far lesser extent this guilt is applied to Canada) by the world and by our leftist brethren here?

And it is broader than that. Every territory on Earth is populated by the people who destroyed or pushed out the people who used to live there, and that includes the Native Americans who existed at the time of Columbus. Yet only America is vigorously damned.*

I admit I'm jealous.

*Well, Israel might get that treatment more energetically, I admit.