Saturday, November 03, 2018

Weekend Data Dump

I don't get why it was particularly scary that American military and White House people started contingency plans for using tactical nuclear weapons in Vietnam in early 1968 without the president's awareness. There is no hint that the military was planning to use them without presidential authorization--and information that the military would ask for permission. Contingency planning without the president's awareness is common and use of tactical nukes should a large number of American troops be vulnerable to annihilation--as was feared at Khe Sahn--would be at the top of the list of reasons to use them. I worried a lot about our supply lines to landlocked Afghanistan. Especially while we surged troops there. And if we had to pull back US and NATO forces into defended fortress air bases while the country went belly up, awaiting an airlift out, I have no doubt we'd consider using tactical nukes to save those troops from being overrun and slaughtered or held prisoner.

Countering Russian theater nuclear weapons does not preclude dealing with Russian anti-access/area denial (AA/AD) weapons that would impede NATO reinforcements flowing into eastern NATO regions. I think we could deal with Russian missiles given that I doubt Russia could sustain an interdiction effort in the face of aggressive NATO countermeasures. And taking Kaliningrad should be high on the wartime list of things to do.

We are experiencing "life." Stay calm and work the problems.

After (tip to Instapundit) rejecting refuge in Mexico in an effort to get to someplace nicer, I imagine the mostly Central American members of the caravan heading for the American border just forfeited claims to be "refugees" in need of help in America. I'm relieved that after 2 years of hysterical Democratic claims that America is rapidly becoming a Nazi tyranny where brown people are put in concentration camps, that people from Central America don't believe that charge one bit.  Actually it would be funny if Trump resettled the refugees in upper income liberal neighborhoods. I'm joking, of course.

While Iranian small boats don't apparently "harass" American warships in the Persian Gulf, they do continue to annoy them while monitoring our ships. Is this a mere change in definitions rather than a change of behavior? I don't think so but I raise the possibility given my surprise that the Obama administration was not in fact carrying out true freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea despite our claims (they were mere innocent passage, which does not challenge territorial claims).

Hamas apparently got tired of relying on their futile ground border assaults protests and launched a salvo of rockets at Israeli civilian targets. Israel responded in force. Let me note my rule that a response is not "disproportionate" if it doesn't deter the enemy from continuing what they do.

Jihadis remain a problem in Iraq, in Syria, and in Nigeria--on top of persistent Moslem-Christian clashes that killed 55 over several recent days. It's a long war. I hope the moderates win the Islamic civil war over who defines Islam.

A feature and not a bug. Whatever good it does, it is a figurative accelerant to spread the flames of division and conflict.

Thanks Russia!

Cyber Command has gone on offense against potential Russian interference in our November election.

This is pretty funny. I can say that because a couple months ago I belatedly got my first colonoscopy. The process of purging your intestinal tract is as unpleasant as you might imagine. The actual process nothing. And it was good to know I am free of cancer.

The definition of "climate" has been redefined to mean the average of the last 15 years plus assumptions for the next 15 years. That's odd. They are assuming the last 15-year trend continues for the next 15 years. Isn't it supposed to be getting hotter? Do they have so little confidence in their models that they don't want to use them to predict the future 15 years? I wonder if the organization making the change assume that temperatures will drop over the future period and so want to lock in the relatively flat higher prior 15 year plateau in place to "hide the decline" (but in a different context)? Certainly, any drop from natural factors overpowering human factors could be temporary. So I'd bet that when that possible dip ends that the definition will be altered back to actual temperatures at some point so the reduced temperature pig in the python doesn't depress the average. Always check the definitions section, as I like to say.

The Pittsburgh synagogue slaughter is horrifying. While not an Islamist terror act, Islamist terrorists surely salute it for the choice of target. Not all terrorists are Islamists, of course, even in these times. While the unity on display is comforting (especially this), I can't forget that we were once all "Charlie." That didn't last. We now resume our usual programming.

Yeah, nobody who escaped Russian rule should forget how the Russians behaved when they ruled them. Belarus in particular has great importance for NATO.

Thousands of US troops will be sent to the Mexico border in response to migrant caravans moving north through Mexico. Who knows if the caravans will reach the border intact, but knowing troops are waiting may discourage them earlier and end their misery and danger sooner. That's better than a confrontation on the border. I also read that Military Police would be part of the mission. Which is good. That isn't a sign of a potential bloodbath, it is a sign of preventing one. If thousands of migrants do reach the border, the only way to hold the border with small numbers of border police (or troops) is with live ammunition. If many hundreds of MPs are there bolstered by engineer-provided obstacles and barriers, nonlethal force can be used to hold the line.

South Sudan remains a horrible reminder that altering colonial-era borders does not end the sources of violence.

Is China outsourcing their military research to Western universities? We seem to be figuratively shooting ourselves in the foot. Tip to Instapundit.

The Iraqis embrace 70mm precision rockets.

I don't think Xi's exhortation to "prepare for war" means China is preparing to initiate war any more than urging our troops to be ready to "fight tonight" means anything other than motivation to be ready just in case. But Xi's appearance does show that the Southern Theater Command is a priority front.

A retired American admiral defending the need for the Trident Juncture exercise (while saying more than military exercises are needed to keep the peace) says that Kaliningrad is perhaps the most strategic slice of territory in western Europe. Perhaps that formulation is accurate. But I think that despite the importance of controlling Kaliningrad should--God forbid--the balloon go up, Belarus may be the most important territory in Europe today.

Jordan's stability has long been fragile--when it exists. Is the fragile stability fraying?

As a rule I support granting citizenship to people born here regardless of immigration status. The alternative is to have those people born here and descendants of those born here considered aliens even though they speak only English yet have not legal basis to be here and so don't become American in habit of thought. But that birth citizenship rule requires controlling illegal immigration to a dull roar to avoid encouraging women to come here to give birth. So as long as illegal immigration is unchecked there is an argument to end birth citizenship for those here illegally. But it should be done by Congress to have a debate on the pros and cons, and not by executive order. On the bright side, it would be nice to establish the precedent that changing the meaning of statutes or the Constitution requires amending the statutes or Constitution.

The Danes stopped an Iranian plot to kill an opposition activist. I did say (almost at the end) that I found it hard to believe that the massive police operation was for a mere crime.

Facebook gives propaganda and news the same status, essentially. Like mixing even a little feces with ice cream, you destroy the value of everything. I don't know why I didn't exit Facebook sooner than I did. It is just toxic and we can go back to sharing pictures of our pets and children the old fashioned way, no?

This is an interesting article on maneuvering over territorial control in the Arctic. But I had trouble wrapping my ahead around the argument that it is urgent to do something because the Arctic might be ice free by 2040. And it is a shame that America has no icebreakers while Russia has a lot and even China is going to field a fleet of them. Huh?

Russia won their intervention in Syria (Assad stands and Russia has bases in the west). And America should help Russia consolidate their victory? I really don't get nuance. Simple me, I'd rather increase the costs Russia has to pay for any actions they take against our interests. We certainly wouldn't relax sanctions.

The Navy continues to rebuild its anti-ship capabilities for its surface ships. When the Soviet fleet collapsed we allowed our Navy's anti-ship missile capability (in both subs and surface ships) to erode, assuming aircraft carrier air wings could handle the rare surface ship threat. That era ended with the rise of the Chinese fleet.

An interesting article on warship classification. I'm somewhat unhappy given that changes in ship building mean we no longer have surface warfare capital ships, leading to essentially a top-heavy navy except in names. Note that I eventually soured on the LCS as it stopped being cheap but remained poorly armed.

Articles with titles like this are really all about the author saying "I travel to exotic and important locations. Do you, peasant?"

China's birth rate continues to decline--after an initial bump--for reasons in addition to past official limits. Which I've noted. America's rate has not recovered with economic recovery but the big picture advantage may lift the American economy above China's in the long run, if China passes us by.

Just what would be the point of a Russian base in Cuba, which Russia can't afford and which is only useful to intercept Europe-bound convoys from American Gulf ports? Somebody needs to stage an intervention with Putin. #WhyRussiaCan'tHaveNiceThings

I don't like this. Or do we want our diplomatic facilities to be on Osama bin Laden Boulevard or Death to America Parkway? Or even just EmbassyMcEmbassy Street?

That's been a problem for our State Department? Sigh. If you hear the dog whistle, just maybe you are the dog.

This article discusses Army vehicle programs and notes the effort to reduce convoy casualties by taking troops out of the convoys with 1 soldier-operated vehicle leading 9 robotic supply vehicles. That's nice, but doesn't it make it easier to stop the whole convoy by taking out the leader vehicle? Isn't the actual mission--delivering much-needed supplies--taking a back seat to force protection?

This article discusses British efforts to budget for the pig-in-the-python effect of buying new attack and ballistic missile submarines.

Socialism kills.


A reminder that Iran has exploited the Afghanistan wars (since the Soviet invasion) by recruiting 20,000 Afghan refugees living in Iran to fight as part of the Iranian Shia foreign legion that has spearheaded Assad's war in Syria. Squeezing Iranian finances would help reduce this means of waging war by mercenaries.

I don't understand why Pakistan needs at-sea replenishment ships given that their navy has no business going too far from the Pakistani coast. Unless Pakistan wants to avoid returning ships to port for resupply when that could just allow them to be hit by Indian ballistic missiles.

China continues to increase their land-based bomber capabilities.

The U.S. government has named Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua a "Troika of Tyranny" that will be opposed via sanctions. I prefer my old term "the Axis of El Vil" (the vile ones"). Honestly, without a superpower patron they aren't much of a threat to anyone but their own people. And we have bigger worries for our military power. But by all means, sanction them. They are vile.

They didn't snap back, but we are rebuilding sanctions against Iran.

There is no way that potential refugees throwing rocks will be considered firearms use under rules of engagement for Army troops at the border with Mexico. It is hyperbole intended to send a message of seriousness about border defense to deter the caravan--and future caravans--from continuing to the border. Is Trump playing politics? In part, sure. Just as opponents of border controls are using the caravan for politics. But Trump at least is acting in defense of the border as his job requires.

The burning sensation means it's working! 

For God's sake, whoever wins the Senate, House, and governors battles should act like they've been there before and avoid spiking the ball, doing an end zone dance, or otherwise taunting the opposition. It would be nice to dial back the perpetual outrage from 11, okay?