Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Great Achievement, After All

I've noted the lack of democracy in the growing European Union super-state, which the EU sees as a way to stop those blood-thirsty people from pushing enlightened elites into war. Since the thinking is so backwards, I noted that all the Europeans would do is make war between Europeans a "civil war" rather than a traditional inter-state war. I wrote:

[The] democracy deficit that infects the EU and which Eurosceptics annoyingly bring up is a feature rather than a bug. It must be the basis for the EU because even as the author notes in his nightmare scenario for Europe of Yugoslavia continent wide, the fighting in Yugoslavia was within Yugoslavia. It was civil war. If Germans hate French or Poles hate Hungarians, a single European Union super state would simply see inter-state war called civil war. Is a label change a great achievement? Obviously, no. So enlightened European rulers must crush sectarian and nationalistic hatreds that lie deep in the souls of Europeans the way Saddam Hussein was needed (as so many of them said) to control those violence-prone Kurds, and Shias, and Sunni Arabs.

Suppress the peasants to prevent war and massacre and genocide. Not limit the rulers who led the people. The people are at fault. The people must be denied a voice under these circumstances. The Europhiles clearly believe this.

Apparently, getting to call a war between Europeans a "civil war" is a great achievement for the Euros:

the European Union (our real ruler) is opening a £44m museum that will be a House of European History. This vanity project in and of itself is an offensive waste of money as governments and peoples tighten belts across Europe.

But what I found most offensive of all is that World War II is to be described as “the European Civil War”.

I'm shocked. Shouldn't that be European Civil War II, at the very least?

Hey, if you are building a fantasy world, build a fantasy world.