Friday, April 20, 2012

Marketing Fail

President Obama's history with dogs is a bit of a problem for him. He can never again say he "loves" dogs lest someone shoot back, "How do you like them cooked?" And this is pretty funny (tip to Instapundit).

Of course, there is a serious question (tip to Instapundit) of whether this story was just a symptom of President Obama being a post-America president who elevates the Third World higher than our status in his heart.

Fascinating. And depressing. But I'm in this for the mockery. I eagerly await protocal guidance from the White House on whether red or white wine goes with poodle tartar.

As much as I laughed at the taunt I linked above, may I suggest another slogan for the president's team to move beyond Puppyquiddick: "Dog. The Other White Meat."

Now we mock. Give President Obama another term in office and dog will be on the food pyramid. Or do you think we're too good for that source of protein?

NOTE: Scheduled posts remain inoperative. This is getting annoying.

UPDATE: Mad Minerva has more.