Monday, February 08, 2021

Back to Euro Business as Usual

Now we clearly see that Trump was just a convenient excuse for Europe to stiff-arm American objectives.

Americans recognize Russia and China as major threats. Is Europe racing to team up with America now?

But Europe has its own ideas.

That strategic dissonance explains why Europe has continued to pursue its own course on both China and Russia in the face of American reservations. 

European cooperation with America? Not so much even with Biden in power.

I told you that blaming the trans-Atlantic rift on Trump was ridiculous.

And don't confuse political Europe with geographic Europe

Geographic Europe has NATO allies and friends. Political Europe is the European Union proto-imperial project. The EU strives to reduce American influence through NATO and wants to delete the prefix. Such a Europe is a potential threat to America and European freedom

All the EU elites want is an American leader who won't aggressively push Europeans to defend against external aggression.