Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Killers Gotta Kill

Jihadis clearly think that conquering Afghanistan was just the entry ticket to their next objective--killing people around the world. I assume America is high on their aspirations list.


The Taliban’s military victory in Afghanistan has emboldened various militant groups in the region, many of which were displaced before 2021. This triumph has granted these groups the freedom to move across the region with complete impunity.

Wait. What? Our retreat from Afghanistan wasn't a great accomplishment? 

We are helpless to effectively deal with jihadis over there now? 

And wait a second! What?

UN officials supervising aid deliveries noticed al Qaeda training camps in several as well as Islamic terrorists moving about openly in many parts of the country. Suicide bombers are being trained and indoctrinated for use outside Afghanistan. Some are being sent to Western countries where they can hide among the many Afghan refugees fleeing IEA rule.

Jihadis hate us and want to kill us?

Every day I'm shocked, shocked to find out that jihadis want to kill us. 

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.