Friday, August 09, 2024

Honey, I Shrunk the Air Force

Drones flying low over the battlefields in large numbers have moved from reconnaissance and targeting to direct strikes and now to fighting other aerial drones. The progression is remarkably similar to manned aircraft. I assume drone capabilities will continue along that path.

The next step is putting weapons on drones to shoot down other drones:

Ukraine has developed a drone that can intercept and destroy other drones. This is achieved using FPV (First Person Viewing) operated drones to detect the enemy drone and destroy it by colliding with it.

Huh, anti-air drones, as I advocated in Army magazine six years ago. Although I didn't consider ramming as the air defense drone's weapon, preferring reusable drones. Ramming may just be an expedient until weapons are mounted. Although maybe ramming will be the most cost-effective means, as FPV suicide drones are for ground attack.

Seriously, how long before drones lead to the creation of miniature versions of air forces?

Drones in all the domains will eventually just be one more weapon in a combined arms effort. 

Indeed, the drones might fight low-level air campaigns in the "brown skies" just above forward combat units that look like "blue sky" Air Force campaigns with specialty drones for ground attack, recon, electronic warfare, intercepting enemy drones or protecting friendly drones, and maybe aerial refueling. You might even have recovery drones to pick up downed UAVs.

Funny enough, the Air Force will seemingly evolve into large, expensive drone force as pilots become optional and then rare. And then gone. Maybe then the Air Force will unify with whatever Army drone branch there is to use the disposable brown sky drones to scout for and work with the expensive blue sky drones that stay well away from ground-based air defenses.

The Air Force traditionally has an "Aim High" focus. Somebody needs to Aim Low, too.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.

NOTE: I'm now on Substack, with The Dignified Rant: Evolved.