Friday, August 30, 2024

Ship Got Real

The Navy needs to extend its air defense bubble around its warships again. Like a Phoenix rising from the appropriations ashes, a new missile emerges.

The Navy wants to reach out and touch incoming threats in INDOPACOM:

Thirty-two years after the US Navy cancelled its project to replace the Hughes AIM-54 Phoenix long-range air-to-air missile (AAM), the service has introduced into service a likely 300–400+ kilometre-range AAM to fulfil an apparently similar role known as the AIM-174B. Based on the Raytheon RIM-174/SM-6 Standard surface-to-air missile (SAM), the AIM-174 was a previously classified Special Access Program. ...

A possible target set for the now-in-service AIM-174B is what are sometimes referred to as high value airborne assets (HVAA). HVAAs include airborne early warning, electromagnetic combat and intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft as well as aircraft capable of carrying long-range anti-ship missiles of various descriptions. The new missile could possibly also provide a capability against air-launched ballistic missiles. 

I'm starting to think the Navy is taking the problem of sea control seriously.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.

NOTE: I'm now on Substack, with The Dignified Rant: Evolved.