Saturday, August 10, 2024

Don't Be the Poor Dumb Bastard

Nobody wins a war by dying for their country. Make the enemy die for their country (or cause).

Israel wants to avoid paying with blood for first contact with the enemy:

When Israeli armored personnel carriers roll into combat zones in Gaza, at times they are missing a traditionally key feature: personnel.

That’s because for months now in the Gaza conflict, the Israel Defense Forces have reportedly been using and iterating on unmanned versions of multiple vehicles as technology has improved enough to put the platforms into combat situations while keeping more soldier out of harm’s way.

This objective was my reason for writing an article for Infantry magazine advocating a partially manned infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) in the advance to contact. I didn't want to risk infantry when they are "spam in a can" before they deploy and become hunters. Although Israel may just be throwing armored chum in the water to draw enemy fire. Which is a much less complex mission.

My proposal kept the crew in the IFV to fight and used reachback for the operators of remote weapons stations added to the IFV for additional firepower. Maybe we're getting closer to purely remotely operated vehicles.

As long as we have a robust and secure battlefield internet. And don't concentrate all the remote operators in one tent, of course.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.

NOTE: I'm now on Substack, with The Dignified Rant: Evolved.