Saturday, August 31, 2024

Stop Trying to Give Russia Goodness Lessons

Is India moving closer to the West pushing Russia to align more with China? That's Russia's choice. Is India really supposed to decline Western support in order to strengthen China's Mini-Me when China is growing in strength and aggressiveness? Really?


India’s absolute tilt in the Western camp will further propel Russia into the Chinese fold.

Or, it's a straw man argument because the world isn't as absolute as that claim relies on, and India's move toward the West isn't total and India might actually pull Russia away from China's grip.

And even if Russia bows more deeply to China as a result of closer India-Western ties, we should reject the benefits of India as a friend

Stop acting as if Russia has no agency. They've chosen their destructive path and it is folly to pretend America--and now India--can calibrate words and policies to make the Russians nice guys. We can't stop Russia from being its own worst enemy

If Russia wants to keep its friendship with India, Russia can choose to stop being the vassal of India's growing enemy. Just as Russia can choose friendship with the West by choosing to stop waging war on Ukraine, stop threatening NATO with tanks and nukes, and in general stop being a-holes more interested in being feared than prospering.


NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.

NOTE: I'm now on Substack, with The Dignified Rant: Evolved.