Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Libya Must Be Fabulous By Now

Life without America isn't all happiness and bike-path debates. Maybe it's not us. Maybe it's them.

Good luck with that

In recent weeks, Libya has been collapsing at every level. Increasing tensions between the ruling families, the Dabaibas and the Haftars, led Saddam Haftar to blockade Libya’s largest oilfield last week and later march his forces west, violating the 2020 ceasefire agreement. A few days later,  the parliament, under the Haftars’ influence, officially unrecognised prime minister Abdul Hamid Dabaiba’s government and Libya’s Presidency Council. Then, on 18 August, the Presidency Council dismissed the long-standing central bank governor turned Haftar-ally Sadiq al-Kabir. This could be the final shock that sends Libya’s post-2020 status quo tumbling down into a civil war.

Ah, the glories of leading from behind!

I'm so old I remember when American involvement in foreign countries prevented locals from peacefully sorting out their differences:

Remember when liberals said America should have just gotten out of Iraq after overthrowing the dictator Saddam to allow the locals to work out their problems without America's troop presence mucking things up? Remember how they said America created and caused jihadis to flock to Iraq because we had troops there?

So Libya was the glorious opportunity to prove how a simple drive by shooting of the dictator would allow the locals to avoid the horrible impact of American liberation "occupation" and sort out their differences like reasonable people.

It's all "Hands off X!" and "Hands off Y!" at the soap-averse thug protection protest encampments.

Mind you, just because somebody needs us doesn't mean we have a responsibility to protect them. America's interests should dominate any discussion on our course of action. I'm just pointing out that the sorting out in Libya is just amazing.

NOTE: The image was made from DALL-E.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.

NOTE: I'm now on Substack, with The Dignified Rant: Evolved.