Friday, August 16, 2024

China Turns the Amphibious Warfare Ship Dial to Eleven

Where does China anticipate using its new large amphibious warfare ships?

CSIS reports that China will launch a new, huge amphibious warfare ship in 2025

Following its launch, it will require several months, or even years, before it is fully commissioned into the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

The vessel is poised to become the largest amphibious assault ship in the world. Its flight deck measures approximately 260 meters by 52 meters—equivalent to nearly 13,500 square meters, or the size of three American football fields.

The Type 076’s impressive dimensions surpass those of the US Navy’s America-class LHAs and the Japanese Izumo-class helicopter carriers. It is also significantly larger than its Chinese predecessor, the Type 075.

In the big picture, America's inability to match China's ability to build warships scares the Hell out of me.

More narrowly, I suspect this is for peacetime power projection or missions not related to landing on Taiwan. As I noted in this post about China's carriers, China has more need to be able to evacuate its people abroad during a crisis without relying on the kindness of strangers.

While it could be used to invade Taiwan, China already has a gargantuan assault platform stationed off of Taiwan's coast.

UPDATE: China's new, huge Type 076 amphibious warfare ship has a catapult for launching aircraft? Huh.

Just what is this ship's purpose? I'm going to guess China wants a America-type ship that's bigger and badder--because that's how China rolls--for peacetime power projection despite the lack of local air bases or the availability of supporting ships from the PLAN or allies.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.

NOTE: I'm now on Substack, with The Dignified Rant: Evolved.