Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 10th Thinking

President Obama said last night that he'd been elected to end our wars. I thought commanders-in-chief were supposed to win our wars.

Today is the 12th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 al Qaeda terrorist attacks on our shores. We went to war that morning. We remember the more than 2,700 people [2,977, actually. Has the toll been revised up? I didn't want to exaggerate so used what I remembered rather than rounding to 3,000] who were murdered that morning. And we remember those Americans who counter-attacked in the skies over Pennsylvania to keep one of the hijacked planes from striking (a still unknown) target in Washington, D.C.

Last year, after being told the tide of war was receding, we were attacked again--on September 11, 2012, no less--at Benghazi. The toll of 4 was far smaller, but the hatred that prompted it was the same.

And last night, after being told that Assad is a figure of Hitlerian proportions and that we have a moral duty to strike him to keep him from using chemical weapons again, our president put the whole thing on hold because Putin hit that "overcharge" button that Hillary Clinton gave the Russians. Yeah, this will be expensive. Putin probably imagines he can extract a pledge from President Obama not to target their pet dictator if Russia will remove nuclear missiles from Cuba chemical weapons from Syria.

On September 10, 2013, our president gave us a prime time example of September 10th (2001) thinking, and proclaimed to the world that he is voting "present" on the Syria Crisis that he triggered.