Sunday, September 22, 2013

Great Expectations

Has Assad really given up all the data on his chemical weapons?

Is this true?

Syria has disclosed the information on its chemical weapons program that was expected under an agreed Saturday deadline, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said.

Because I'd be shocked if this is really a complete list, given that Russia said they can't guarantee Syrian compliance and our own State Department has already said that deadlines aren't really deadlines:

Marie Harf, a State Department spokeswoman, said Wednesday that "our goal is to see forward momentum" by Saturday, not the full list. "We've never said it was a hard and fast deadline."

I think that we should lob cruise missiles at some Assad command-and-control facility every time Assad fails to meet even the most insignificant deadline or requirement.

Because what the heck, any ships we have on station to maintain a threat are on a short leash anyway, since they are basically heading home or to station while the hover near Syria. If they expend some missiles, another ship will be along shortly to replace them.

After all, if the deal--as bad as it is--is that we refrain from striking Assad in exchange for Assad meeting obligations to quickly disarm, why are we more bound by the deal than him?

Or can Putin guarantee our compliance with more confidence than he can Assad's compliance?