Saturday, September 07, 2013

I Thought the World Would Follow Us Now

George W. Bush gained 39 states to assist us in Iraq. But we couldn't get France. So we were unilateralist cowboys.

President Obama has 10, it is said. France is one of them. The others are in a witness protection program and can't be named.

France is giving a lesson in nuance as their leader is the only nation to urge military action with America and as their ex-president derides our president for lack of leadership and ability.

This of course is leading the international community in defense of the world's red line on chemical weapons use.

Because of his moral stature, how can the world not jump when our president says he sees a threat to world peace from Assad's regime?

But this is what the Obama administration thinks of itself.

Indeed, these super geniuses thought that Assad's use of poison gas could get Iran to turn against Assad because Iran was hit by poison gas by Saddam's military in the Iran-Iraq War. Tip to Instapundit.

Early though it is, I may drink heavily and then quietly weep until I fall asleep.