Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Five Minutes to You've Got to Be Kidding Me

It's five minutes to our doom (figuratively) and sixteen years of flat temperatures don't change that time frame.

The IPCC will again predict the end is nigh due to global warming. This sounds like rigorous science, doesn't it?

"We have five minutes before midnight," warned Rajendra Pachauri, whose organisation will this month release the first volume of a new assessment of global warming and its impacts.

"We may utilise the gifts of nature just as we choose, but in our books the debits are always equal to the credits," Pachauri told a conference marking the 20th anniversary of the environmental organisation Green Cross International, quoting fellow Indian Mahatma Gandhi.

What the ef? Is this the Insane Philosophical Chakra Conference?

One, in what way is that science rather than philosophy? The idea that a philosophy on life applies to the complexities of the climate is so far from science that it should cause any one within spitting distance of science to shake their heads in wonder.

And two, if it is five minutes to midnight, it's been five minutes to midnight for 16 years or so. But no problem, these guys have an answer for that. While predicting doom and insisting people are causing warming, they:

... all but dismissed recent claims of a slowdown in the pace of warming[.]

Stopped is very slow. And using their data to show a halt to global warming is a "claim" by skeptics! That's not a "claim." It's just what has happened! Temperature proxies (nobody was recording temperatures until fairly recently in history) going back thousands of years accurately show past global temperatures, but actual temperature readings the last 16 years aren't necessarily the global temperature? It's just a "claim" by denialists? I bow before my superiors so wise in the ways of science!

I'll love to hear the explanation for why man-caused warming isn't causing any warming but we're close to our doom anyway. But they've dismissed the data. Their elegant models show no such thing and they prefer that pseudo-data to the real world around them.

Science, indeed. Go release your chakra, or something, dude. And stop bothering me with that "gifts of nature" nonsense. I promise I won't jet off to IPCC conferences it you won't.