Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Let's Play 'What's Unpatriotic?'

I swear, our media are more protective of President Obama than the jihadi nutballs are of Mohammed.

I guess dissent is officially not patriotic any more:

The media strains "to shift the focus from the Obama administration’s failure to protect our embassies and for its apologies (both before and after the attack on the Cairo Embassy) to whether Mitt Romney was wrong to criticize Obama last night."

Funny, I don't recall anyone in the press denouncing Senators Obama, Clinton, and Reid for calling the Iraq surge a failure just as it was getting going in summer 2007.

And note that Romney isn't actually taking a position that calls for our defeat at the hands of the Islamists in question.

We have freedom of speech. Period. Full stop. In what world is murder the appropriate response to speech you don't like?

In what world are Americans more worried about offending the Easily Excitable (really, what doesn't set them off?) than in defending our freedom? So much for "I may disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it." This applies to stupid, poorly produced speech.