Monday, September 10, 2012

Joan of Lark

I remain shocked that with the problems of our day, the Democratic party has made a saint of Sandra Fluke.

Mark Steyn is equally baffled:

She completed her education a few weeks ago — at the age of 31, or Grade 25. Before going to Georgetown, she warmed up with a little light BS in Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies from Cornell. She then studied law at one of the most prestigious institutions in the nation, where tuition costs 50 grand a year. The average starting salary for a Georgetown Law graduate is $160,000 per annum — first job, first paycheck.

So this is America's best and brightest — or, at any rate, most expensively credentialed. Sandra Fluke has been blessed with a quarter-million dollars of elite education, and, on the evidence of Wednesday night, is entirely incapable of making a coherent argument.

She's no Joan of Arc.

God help us if she's truly one of our best and brightest.

Which would explain her focus on getting middle class taxpayers to pay for elite law student birth control: truly, we are so screwed.