Sunday, September 02, 2012

How About Swimming Lessons?

The leading intellect of the administration defended his boss:

Biden criticized Romney for opposing a taxpayer rescue of GM and Chrysler.

"What they didn't acknowledge is Governor Romney's position was 'let Detroit go bankrupt,'" he said, quoting the headline on a 2008 Romney opinion piece in the New York Times.

Let's ignore for the moment the massive assault on rule of law that was part of that rescue--one that did result in GM and Chrysler going bankrupt, you'll recall, contrary to the vice president's implication. Investors got screwed to save Obama supporters in a rigged bankruptcy procedure. You wonder why people with money are hesitant to invest under this administration?

But back to the "rescue." You know, if someone is drowning, you can toss a money-stuffed life ring and technically "save" him. Gratitude all around, and all. But if you then leave him in the water where he can't swim while you continue to boast about saving the poor chap, you have to keep tossing money rings into the pool as the old one gets too waterlogged to keep his head above water.

And who else drowns while you focus on the one victim who won't learn how to swim while his competition makes like Michael Phelps for the finish line?