Iran has been given the benefit of the doubt over its nuclear weapons ambitions. Iran has not been quick to exploit that, but march toward that goal it has.
President Obama's outreach to normalize mullah-run Iran and decouple from Israel--something that has spread throughout the Democratic Party since then--was built on events in the Bush 43 administration:
The embarrassment of exposure [of two secret Iranian nuclear facilities in 2002], and the intimidating implications of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, prompted Iran to suspend much of its nuclear program; subsequently, a leaked U.S. intelligence report implied that Iran had abandoned it entirely. This was false, but it made President Bush feel he could not resort to military action, which may have been the ulterior motive of those who wrote it and leaked it.
Ah yes, I remember well the odd American media pivot to dismissing the nuclear threat when a CIA National Intelligence Estimate on Iran's nuclear program was released. I read the NIE and complimented one reporter who filed before the memo went out to reporters to spin the NIE as saying Iran wasn't a nuclear threat.
And don't forget the Iran nuclear deal spin machine that helped Obama get the awful Iran nuclear deal through Congress.
And here we are, with only a revolution in Iran seemingly able to save us from religious nuts with nukes.
Have a super sparkly day.
NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.
NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War, including the revived Syria multi-war, in this post.
NOTE: You may also like to read my posts on Substack, at The Dignified Rant: Evolved. Go ahead and subscribe to it.
NOTE: I made the image with Bing.