Sunday, September 08, 2013

Boots on the (Barely) Ground

In the South China Sea, nations with claims on islands there are learning from China that if they don't occupy the islands in dispute, China will eventually occupy them all. Taiwan is acting on this realization.

The Chinese Coast Guard and friendly fisherman won't be able to drive the Taiwanese from here:

Taiwan normally keeps quiet about its territorial claims in a sovereignty dispute in the South China Sea. But last week officials in Taipei announced plans to spend more than $100 million on a dock that could receive warships. Its plans call for upgrading an airstrip on the same island [Taiping Dao], which is the largest in the sea’s Spratly archipelago.Taiwan is moving to assert itself.

Anyone else that hopes that negotiations might settle their disputes with China (and each other) had best dig in on whatever they claim before China moves in and finalizes the negotiations at that point.