Friday, February 17, 2012

Thank God For Hanging Chads

Al Gore thinks our capitalism needs more regulation because it is "unsustainable":

"While we believe that capitalism is fundamentally superior to any other system for organizing economic activity, it is also clear that some of the ways in which it is now practiced do not incorporate sufficient regard for its impact on people, society and the planet," Gore said.

Conveniently, when it comes time to writing the regulations to achieve his Utopian vision of what is sustainable, he'll be one of the people deciding what is good in the long run in regard to the impact on people, society, and the planet. So, no, in practice, he does not believe capitalism is fundamentally superior. He believes he is fundamentally superior.

The Economist notes that our economy is being strangled by regulation:

The home of laissez-faire is being suffocated by excessive and badly written regulation[.]

And what's really unsustainable? Our Budget deficit. At least according to our Secretary of Treasury:

“Even if Congress were to enact this budget we would still be left with–in the outer decades as millions of Americans retire–what are still unsustainable commitments in Medicare and Medicaid.”

Our federal government is just too damn big.