Monday, November 07, 2011

Worse Than Scum--They're Wrong

More on the Vanguard of the 99% fouling our public squares. They're just petty wannabe despots who don't have much to run into the ground yet but their own lives. Do read it all.

Forgive me for my many posts on Occupy Wall Street. But from the beginning it was clear that these were started and led by communists and anarchists. And I hate communists and anarchists. They make a bloody mess of everything they touch, and scarred the 20th century with their attempts to build paradise. Good grief, people, they could eff up a wet dream, as the expression goes.

They were a challenge to our foreign policy for many decades. We finally defeated the scum at great cost (failing only to clean them out of college faculty lounges), and now we see the clueless young cul-de-sac communists in action again, rallying around the discredited theories of Marx and Lenin. Their camps are like petri dishes (both sociologically and in the health threats they create) of far left governance.

Having beaten them "over there" it is disheartening to have to resist them "over here."

So let these smelly idiots be a teaching moment. I actually have little hope that the credentialed idiots in the camps can learn (or most of the reporters covering them, notwithstanding their lofty "journalism" degrees). But the people watching the OWS protesters should learn that just because the scum picked a target easily hated, doesn't mean the OWS protesters should be followed. Delouse them, hose down their refuse, and send them home to get a job.

UPDATE: Still, remember that they are scum, too (tip to Instapundit). In the nightmares of liberals, this is what the Tea Party was poised to become but never did. In reality, this is what the hard Left always becomes. "Climate of hate," anyone?