Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Their Own Taliban

Israel's ultra-Orthodox are an internal threat waiting to explode. The most immediate problem is a military recruiting, morale, and obedience angle:

But the most contentious problem is, ironically, the religious one. Israeli women know very well how women are mistreated in Moslem countries. The ultra-orthodox (Haredi) Jews are becoming a more serious problem. Violence by religious extremists is becoming more common. The most conservative religious Jews have increasingly used violence in Jerusalem. For example, they oppose the government allowing cars to park near Haredi neighborhoods on Saturday (the Sabbath). They also oppose billboard ads that feature women anywhere near where Haredi live, and segregate women on busses in their neighborhoods. Now they want to segregate the military as well, and that has aroused a lot of public opposition.

But the effects could lead to internal conflict that could expand to blue-on-blue fighting.

But then again, this is a problem I've been worried about for thirty years and it never seems to explode.