Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Anvils and Idiots

Instapundit noted that our government, in its zeal to prove that American gun dealers were supplying arms to Mexican drug cartels, has quite possibly become the primary supplier of guns to Mexican drug cartels:

With Operation Fast and Furious headlining the news, there is no doubt civilian arms have been trafficked into Mexico. However, many of the arms used by Mexican cartels are NOT supplied by civilian gun outlets in the United States. Based upon the statistics I have compiled, our State and Defense Departments may be the premier suppliers of weaponry to Mexican drug cartels — not the US civilian.

My first reaction was that this is Wile E. Coyote levels of stupid in pursuit of an objective. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help," has never been a scarier statement.

So when I went to find something relevant to link to--like perhaps an ACME reference--in relation to this anvils and idiots level of action (which I believe is a Calvin and Hobbes reference to classic cartoon violence), I was stunned to find this:

That's right, "Fast and Furry-ous." All this time, when the program was mentioned, I was thinking the movie. Which is totally different imagery.

But the driving action movie is not the right image as it turns out. Our federal government has reached Warner Brothers levels of thinking. I fear for science research when I contemplate the physics that is displayed in this cartoon.

I'm also ashamed I didn't catch the cartoon linkage of Fast and Furious right off the bat. I grew up on this stuff.