Friday, November 18, 2011

Smart Men. Dumb Choices

Let me say this clearly. I'm not saying that you can't drown in a pool of Thomas Friedman's wisdom, but you would have to be drunk and face down to do so.

How is it possible for Thomas Friedman to continue his Cadre-Crush on China's dreamy reasonably enlightened despots despite the evidence that they are just despots?

THE Chinese government often tolerates, and even encourages, abuses of power and extrajudicial punishments by law enforcement officials. These are the underlying evils that sustain a regime that values its own preservation above all else, including human rights and the rule of law.

How long can Friedman continue to pose as a deep thinker? How long will people go along with the charade? I don't care if he tosses in a pretend thoughtful term like "hyperconnected world" in his essays. The man has no clue about anything other than making money off of his audience's eagerness to have their own idiocy reinforced.