Monday, November 14, 2011

Pop Quiz

Gosh, why would it be difficult for a university where being at the low end of the 1% is considered kind of scruffy have problems finding 99 percenters to man their Occupy Harvard protest camp?

This is the best part, from Howie Carr's article that is linked:

Occupy Harvard Yard is like when you were 6 years old, and you went camping . . . in your backyard, with your father. If you got scared, you could just run back in the house to get a hug from Mommy.

Bravo, Mr. Carr. Nicely written.

UPDATE: Speaking of nicely written, Frank Miller distills my (too) numerous posts on OWS into two short paragraphs:

The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.

“Occupy” is nothing short of a clumsy, poorly-expressed attempt at anarchy, to the extent that the “movement” – HAH! Some “movement”, except if the word “bowel” is attached - is anything more than an ugly fashion statement by a bunch of iPhone, iPad wielding spoiled brats who should stop getting in the way of working people and find jobs for themselves.

Oh, nicely written, indeed! He is getting nothing but grief from his fans for speaking truth to their pathetic sense of power. They don't even know how big a bunch of losers they are for glorifying those clowns.

UPDATE: Iowahawk, you magnificent bastard. I laughed so hard I spit a mouthful of my 1996 Chateau La Mondotte Saint Emilion all over several of my hovering servants--and then beat them with my riding crop for laughing too hard to quickly clean up and refill my glass.