Friday, November 04, 2011

I Am Stupid

I'm just an ignorant, knuckle-dragging conservative, clinging to God and puns on this blog, unable to appreciate the big-brained nuance of the Obama administration. My God, people, they went to college!

There's no other conclusion when I consider that I paid off my mortgage and student loans before the age of hope and change kicked in. If, instead of using the money I had to pay the loans (and sock away money for my children's college education), I had used that money to buy a huge house, go on great vacations to distant lands, buy all the latest gadgets and fancy cars, I'd be in exactly the same place I am now. Well, except that I'd have a huge house, pictures and videos of exotic tourist destinations, all the latest gadgets, and a fancy car.

Just smart social engineering to go along with smart economics and smart diplomacy:

The administration's industrial policy of picking winners and losers, particularly in the energy sector, has given us such white, or should we say green, elephants as the bankrupt solar panel manufacturer Solyndra. It has an opportunity to pick a real winner — the Keystone XL pipeline to bring oil from Canada's rich tar sands to the American market. ...

An increasingly peeved Canada may not wait for the U.S. to remain its best customer, a promise Obama made Brazil as it pursued offshore drilling we were curtailing. "What will happen if there wasn't approval — and we think there will be — is that we'll simply have to intensify our efforts to sell the oil elsewhere," Joe Oliver, Canada's natural resource minister, told Reuters .

That elsewhere is China.

Picking winners and losers must be terribly fun in the Oval Office and Congress. I just wish they were better at it, I guess. Stupid me. I played by the "old rules" and not the "new rules" of irresponsibility and victimhood that the 99 percenters grasped.

We're getting close to the point where I'd even vote for Ron Paul as the Republican nominee if it means getting President Obama out of office next year. And I have nothing but contempt for Ron Paul. I guess we'll see just how stupid I am.