Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Doctor Strangelove

Or, how Ron Paul learned to stop worrying and love the Iranian bomb:

RON PAUL, the Texas congressman and isolationist would-be president, is against using tough economic sanctions or military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. How then, he was asked on “Fox News Sunday,’’ would he persuade Tehran to abandon its quest for the bomb? “Well,’’ Paul suggested, “maybe offering friendship to them.’’

Oh. Offer ... them ... friendship... Well, then, never mind. I feel a bit silly, now.

If Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination, I will vote for Barack Obama rather than see us try an outstretched hand to the mullahs--again.

I can't say that President Obama's views on Iran were superior when he entered office. But in three years of having the Iranians show utter contempt for his outreach, President Obama has at least learned that Iran is immune to the soothing balms of hope and change. Which at least proved to him just how nuts the mullah regime must be.

Doctor Paul is at least a constant reminder that the Left doesn't have a monopoly on idiots. He can't possibly win the nomination, right?

UPDATE: I ponder even the remote circumstances that could see me vote for the president's reelection and he pulls this voting present nonsense:

The Obama administration, under sharp pressure from officials in Nebraska and restive environmental activists, announced Thursday that it will review the route of the disputed Keystone XL oil pipeline, effectively delaying any decision about its fate until after the 2012 election.

What the heck. Who needs Canadian oil? But to be fair to President Obama, there is no saying to the effect that the Canadian buck stops at the Oval Office.

Good grief, even an idiot would have to be better than the thoroughly politicized White House we have now.