Monday, November 07, 2011

Clearly, They Need Saddam

The European Union is not amused that Greece pondered letting their people decide their financial course:

The Eurocracy's contempt for the nation-states it governs is growing ever more flagrant.

It's funny, actually. What did many say about Iraqis? Oh yeah, those ungovernable Arabs needed a strong man just to get them pulling in the same direction. That's what they said.

And now the European elites don't think their own people are trustworthy. The elites really believe that Europe's history of bloody wars is the fault of the people and not the elites who led them down the war path.

But hey, maybe that other solution to the pre-surge Iraq problem would be in order: divide Europe into its component parts and let them live in peace in a confederation rather than an empire.

Instead, we're more likely to see a European Saddam emerge. In a nice suit rather than a military uniform, it is true, but someone will yoke those unruly peasants together and whip them in line to go the way Brussels wants them.

UPDATE: Oh, when I speak of Europe's bloody history, I don't mean to imply that I think Europeans are uniquely bad on that score. The rest of the world throughout history has seen bloody wars, too. Europe distinguishes itself by both the advanced technology brought to bear and the effects of their wars on the wider world (plus just the increased awareness of that history since we share the same history). Just so we're clear that I'm not picking on Europe's history, but on the European elite's interpretation of that history.