Sunday, November 18, 2018

A Picture of the Future of Warfare

The director of DARPA calls for meshing all capabilities into a single seamless military effort, which is termed "mosaic warfare":

Part of the concept is “combining weapons we already have today in new and surprising ways,” Grayson said. Key will be manned-unmanned teaming, disaggregating capabilities, and allowing commanders to seamlessly call on effects from sea, land or air depending on the situation and no matter which of the armed services is providing the capability.

I think this is an excellent point and I am posting this mostly to keep the quote handy for a project in my theoretical pipeline (which is a stack of 3 x 5 cards sitting on my desk). It fits with a project that I've been pondering for a decade at least, I think.

Oh, and I want this quote by Army chief of staff Milley about Multi-Domain Operations--the Army entry in the buzzword appropriations olympics:

“We intend to seize and maintain the initiative, to gain positions of advantage, and breach defenses in depth through combined arms maneuver in all domains and operate at speeds far faster than the enemy can react,” he said. The goal is “to disrupt, penetrate, disintegrate and exploit the enemy’s anti-access systems and bring their fielded forces to operational paralysis.”

Mosaic warfare is just an obscure buzzword among a number of other buzzwords like MDO that get at the same concept. But the concept is right in pointing to the ultimate purple warfare we need.

Hey! A new buzzword! UPW!