Sunday, September 11, 2022

Weekend Data Dump

Don't even try to believe any administration spin that we didn't lose the Afghanistan war. We will pay a price. Russia is paying a price for invading Ukraine. So we don't think about Afghanistan much. But our jihadi enemies still hate us and want us dead--even blue state Americans. It may take two sides to wage "war" as those on the left are wont to say. But it only takes one side to kill. Have a super sparkly day.

Liz Truss will be the new British prime minister. Best wishes, naturally.

The Germans say that Russia's natural gas embargo will test European unity. Last week I reported that Germany was pretty confident of making it through the winter. And other Europeans seemed cautiously optimistic. What's going on? And why isn't America drilling and fracking like mad?

The Russians are using the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant as a nuclear shield for their forces, even firing from positions about a half mile from a reactor. The Russians seem like such nice people.

Why does Biden want Europeans to freeze? "The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling offshore and on federal land than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis." Tip to Instapundit.

Taiwan wants even more HIMARS and ATACMS. Part of that is due to the inability to buy 40 Paladin self-propelled 155mm howitzers because of American production difficulties. FFS. The article also discusses Japanese defense expansion.

The Fuck-Up Fairy visited Islamic Jihad in Gaza.

Can space save Earth? I certainly hope space can revive the West. Via Instapundit.

DARPA is working on making communications via 5G phone networks secure. Which is good because China is investing heavily in building 5G networks around the world. The project is called "GECCO — generating communications channels to operate." That's lame, even for government acronyms. Our people couldn't come up with Getting Eavesdropping Chinese Communists Out? But I never get my way. Not ever. Although I still retain hope for Space Marines Orbital Detachment.

Biden is betraying a lot of people by making them pay off student loans of the wealthy. Biden pisses me off for a number of things. But this really stings. And I'm far from alone. Let's go, Brandon. Tip to Instapundit.

I entered my adult years in a bad economic situation. And it looks like I'll try to draw my retirement funds in a bad economic situation. Well that's just great. Still, is it accurate to say there is no detente with China to take the edge off international relations given the very high levels of trade between America and China? I really think the historian is implicitly overstating what detente with the USSR provided. We do have one advantage over the Cold War era.

The F-35 is winning customers in Europe as stealth seems very important in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I will note that while the plane is stealthy, the airfields it takes off from are not. I should note that I have a small amount of Lockheed Martin stock. As I note in Sources and Methods.

Kosmos 2558 and the battle for space use.

After Biden's speech from the gates of Hell demonizing Republicans (tip to Instapundit), I reflect on my 2020 thoughts: "The Trump era was the culmination of the 'othering' of conservatives by liberals. Unless it happens in the Biden era, of course. It can always get worse." It got worse. Will it get worse? And yes, Biden has always been an awful man.

Chilean voters rejected a left-wing constitution. Via Instapundit.

Actual obstruction of justice in regard to possession of classified documents. That's different because shut up. Via Instapundit.

Sure, this is both stupid and wrong. But you think our times today are filled with unrest and violence? Let's talk New York City 50-60 years ago when arson was a hobby and firefighters often needed police escorts just to put out fires. Yeah, I read that book when it came out. People forget the past. We're in effing paradise now, by comparison to that era's violence. Back then people couldn't act out on social media. All of it was on the streets.

Interesting: "Russian President Vladimir Putin stated on September 5 that personnel in the 1st and 2nd Army Corps (the armed forces of the DNR and LNR) are fighting better in Donbas than professional Russian soldiers and insinuated that he is unhappy with the performance of the Russian Ministry of Defense."

If true, Russian production capacity must be inadequate: "The Russian Ministry of Defense is in the process of purchasing millions of rockets and artillery shells from North Korea for its ongoing fight in Ukraine, according to a newly downgraded U.S. intelligence finding." Lord, how old is the North Korean ammo?

Remain calm! All is well! "Russia may face a longer and deeper recession as the impact of US and European sanctions spreads, handicapping sectors that the country has relied on for years to power its economy, according to an internal report prepared for the government." Still, given time sanctions usually wear off as sanctioning countries weary of them and as the sanctioned find ways around them. Oil-for-Food scandal, anyone?

The U.S. will need a lot more ammunition for great power war. I've been banging on that drum for a while now. Countries always grossly underestimate ammo usage and always forget that lesson. America has a problem because in the past we've encouraged allies to rely on America for war reserves stocks, as I note in the previous link. The problem is even worse because we don't have enough big guns.

Build more carriers and send them to CENTCOM? I think our big deck numbers need to go down. That we can send carrier air wing elements to CENTCOM land bases. And for God's sake don't put carriers in the Persian Gulf!

The Army personnel crisis

India still underperforms in the military grouping that is coalescing to resist China.

The A-10 keeps getting updated to support ground troops in the face of better air defenses despite long Air Force efforts to get rid of it. Even if multi-role F-35s could do the job better from high altitude, the A-10 demonstrates commitment to close air support

When friendly fire works to society's advantage. Tip to PJ Media.

Defending Gotland from Russia (video).

The Solomon Islands government says that Australia and New Zealand--unlike America--can continue to visit its ports during visit moratorium.

We dropped by because we were in the neighborhood--with aerial refueling.

Army heavy brigade rotations in Europe continue. And to save the heavy brigades for Europe, a Stryker brigade is rotating through South Korea. But heavy armor will remain stored in South Korea.

I will say, if CNN can make its news reporting straight just the facts--and I don't care about clearly separate opinion shows--they could actually get my eyeballs for a good portion of time.

Via Treacher, no senior American military or civilian official has resigned or been fired over the American "withdrawal" from Afghanistan. Calling our humiliating defeat--an own goal--a "withdrawal" may be part of the deliberate confusion from the top. Purge 'em all, let God sort them out.

Germany will keep a couple nuclear plants on standby over the winter but doesn't anticipate using them because Germany seems secure for energy. What about the rest of Europe that could use some of the energy Germany is using instead of the nukes' electricity? Is this the cause of potential divisions within Europe I've read about?

The Mali government is blowing the decade of time the French intervention bought for it.

The Russians deployed new S-350 air defenses to protect Su-35 air bases inside Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory.

Taiwan carried out military drills.

I actually have that medal. Not that I had to do anything for it. The most I can say is that my unit was ordered to the Persian Gulf in 1991--and then it wasn't. And then the war ended.

Good: "President Biden will host leaders from Pacific Island countries later this month in a demonstration of the 'deep and enduring partnership' of the U.S. and the region, the White House announced Friday."

Well sure, Russia can interfere with NATO use of the Baltic Sea. But over time during a war it would become a "NATO lake."

Putin declares a "Russian world" that asserts the duty to protect ethnic Russians outside its border. #WhyRussiaCan'tHaveNiceThings

Meanwhile in Israel's war against Iran inside Syria.

If the government had to "cancel" $10,000 dollars of student loans, it should have been the last $10,000 they owe. At least the interest paid to get there would somewhat pay for it. And those more responsible would get the benefit sooner.

The Navy wants hypersonic missiles and lasers on its destroyers. Okay. But I mostly just want more destroyers.

HIMARSfishing. Via Instapundit.

Japanese security expert: "'The Russians made a big mistake' not realizing that their largest security challenge was China, not NATO, Miyake argued." Quite right.

Indeed: "According to Russian media, Xi will attend a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Uzbekistan where he will meet with Putin." Opportunity.

The time of the tank is not over. Indeed.

China isn't about to catch up with America or other Asian states in per capita income. I've said as much.

The British were able to substitute their other carrier for exercises in place of a disabled carrier. But how long will Britain be able to have one available when the ships aren't so new?

Will Russia's invasion pose a threat to Ukraine's energy grid?

China's personnel quality doesn't match their shiny weapons that still have their new car smell.

Cumulative American military aid to Ukraine

Preparing Western defense industries to gear up for the logistics strain of a long war. More.

Poland is really arming up. Attack helicopters now

Adding reasons we need a flag officer purge. Our enemies prefer wokeness to infect our country.

The new Philippines government is interested in expanding American access to its bases. Counting on Chinese good will failed spectacularly.

It's nice that the Navy is making its carriers part of a networked force. But why keep fitting that square platform-centric behemoth into a network-centric hole?

With an eye on China, America's position in northern Australia is getting larger. We started small.

Queen Elizabeth II passed away. I'm hardly a royalist, but sympathies to our British and Commonwealth friends.

Civilians plagued by jihadi terrorists often think Western drone attacks are superior to enduring the jihadi threat. Enemies pretend our drones are a human rights violation. Morons believe our enemies.

China enters the Heart of Cobalt.

That, my Democratic friends, is brave Resistance to a dangerous autocrat. Let's hope they don't fall out of open windows in some tall building.

Russia continues to lose combat aircraft

All your Russians are belong to me.

Iraq can't get through to Russian customer support for its Mi-8/17 helicopters.

All Quiet on the Western Front.

The Week in Pictures.

Well, another 9/11 anniversary passes. Our enemies are at war with us. Does our government think it "ended" the war on (Islamist) terrorism by losing the Afghanistan campaign?

Let's hold off on flinging panties for a bit, shall we? "Ukraine’s stunning counteroffensive in Kharkiv is the type of military action that will be written about and analyzed for decades, maybe centuries." [emphasis added] Ukraine had a good week. It needs many more such weeks. Perspective, people.

Would Russia really respond to battlefield setbacks by using tactical nukes? Wouldn't that expose the lie of the small "special military operation"? Wouldn't that scare other Russians into overthrowing Putin? And what would tactical nukes do other than shock Ukraine and the world? Would Ukraine break? Or would the world isolate Russia even more? America greatly reduced tactical nuke holdings because precision weapons can carry out most of the jobs the small nukes used to be built to handle. The right Western response might be to give Ukraine ATACMS and other longer range conventional precision missiles.