Thursday, April 07, 2022

Russia "Provokes" the EU to Pursue It's Long Dream of Empire

The proto-imperial European Union is using Russia's invasion of Ukraine as one more excuse to become an empire.

Just stop this pimping for the Eurocrats:

Four years ago, French President Emmanuel Macron, newly arrived in office, proposed a European Defense Force -- a counterweight to a NATO alliance he and increasingly other EU leaders feared was being effectively held hostage by the United States and especially Donald Trump.

The result at the time was a rupture between Trump and Macron, followed by the French leader's rapprochement with then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Still, Macron's idea went no further. Until now.
On Thursday, it will come to fruition. With Macron in the driver's seat as France holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, the vehicle is called the "Strategic Compass." This blueprint for Europe's security strategy, ratified Monday by the bloc's defense ministers, sets out a context and concept in the strongest, even belligerent language. "We are adopting this," the report begins, "at a time when we witness the return of war in Europe" -- with these words boldfaced.
Don't pretend this war is some shock that has pushed political Europe (different from geographic Europe) to regrettably be forced to get its own army.
The European Union is a proto-imperial body that wants to strip away the prefix. An EU army is a means to destroy America-dominated NATO and leave the EU army as the sole hard power force in Europe. It will be far less effective than NATO. But the EU doesn't care about defending Europe from Russia. Don't you worry, an EU army will be just fine if somebody wants to follow Britain out of the EU.
The EU is more interested in exploiting Putin's war crisis than solving it. A common Euro currency failed to make Europeans think they are in a new and glorious empire. Now a EU military is the Great Brussels Hope for submission.

NOTE: War updates continue on this post.