Monday, October 04, 2021

It's Alive! It's Alive! Kill It!

The European Union bureaucracy is relentless in its mad drive to stitch together a European empire from the nation-states is gathers under it. Round up the peasants, pitchforks, and torches.


The question is raised, the answer given is "yes"; but as always, check the Definitions section

European military: will the EU ever learn to defend itself?

Now for the definitions section. 

First, "Europe" is not the same as "The European Union". All those Eurocrat apparatchiki and their fanboys (and girls) want you to forget that the Eurocrats mean the European Union with power over mere member nations whenever they say Europe, which to you conjures up your last lovely trip to the Alps or cruise down the Danube. 

Second, the EU was not founded to defend against foreign threats which the EU says is why it wants its own military power. Long before the latest reason of Biden's Afghanistan defeat for a EU military, the EU was founded to defeat the bloody, nationalistic peasants who the elites see as responsible for all the wars the elites waged

Europeans looked to their past, noticed that the rulers of Europe often rallied their publics into repeated wars against each other and the rest of the world, and concluded that the key failure in this is their own public that failed to stop the leaders! Never mind that it was the leadership that led Europe to fight. I just want to know how putting an elite that has been prone to war back in complete charge will end European wars? Isn't this recreating the Europe of divine right rulers that created the bloody swath that Europeans cut across the globe?

This elitist view of "divine right" to rule dressed up in modern garb has been consistent

Third, while the Eurocrats say they need the authority to build that "European" (under the control of Brussels) military, the Eurocrats only want the authority to strip the prefix from their proto-imperial state. The only force the EU really wants is paramilitary forces to crush Brexit-like dreams of future restless Europeans before it can infect compliant EU local administrators. 

EU proponents say a stronger EU is needed to crush local proto-fascists in national governments. But once the power to control national governments is acquired, the definition of "fascist" will evolve into "those who oppose EU diktats"

Say, remember this racist "Growing Together" EU propaganda? 

The EU wanted its own army long before Biden's Afghanistan skedaddle debacle. Indeed, Trump was a merely a flamboyant orange excuse that was unaffected by Biden replacing him.

Also, it is no coincidence that France and its experience in the Franco-Prussian War is the leading example of the initial article about the need for a EU military. 

And God help us, but the French might have hoodwinked Biden into backing this monstrosity: 

The polite intonations have already begun. A joint statement on the call between President Biden and President Macron issued Wednesday noted, "The United States also recognizes the importance of a stronger and more capable European defense, that contributes positively to transatlantic and global security and is complementary to NATO." 

Is Biden trying to make up with Macron by agreeing to an EU military that will strengthen the EU--which France believes it leads--and weaken NATO, and therefore weaken America's role in Europe? 

Protests that the EU can't possibly defend Europe are irrelevant. The EU just wants the authority to build a defense. Build up enough state authorities and the EU can strip the prefix from its proto-imperial project. 

A powerful European Union is bad for America and bad for European freedom. Don't let this dictatorial monster rise up from what should have remained a free-trade region. Had it remained that, Britain never would have needed to leave to protect their freedoms.

Never, ever support stitching together and animating this monster

UPDATE: The European Union is a threat to Western post-World War II freedom.