Thursday, January 24, 2013

Asking the Obvious Question

The UN will investigate the use of armed drones:

The United Nations launched an inquiry on Thursday into the use of unmanned drones in counter-terrorism operations, after criticism of the number of innocent civilians killed by the aircraft.

Which begs the question, has nobody at the State Department informed the United Nations that Nobel Peace Prize-winning Barack Obama is our president and not that cowboy George W. Bush?

Hopefully, before John Kerry has to face this issue and assure the international community that he opposed the use of drones before he supported them--thus passing that international test--President Obama sends the current Secretary of State to ask the UN the important question of the day: "What's the difference how those people died? Does it really matter if it was from a deliberate drone strike or just some drones driving about who happened to have Hellfire missiles with them?"

I bet she could even work up a couple tears.