Saturday, January 01, 2011

Losing My Lunch

Well, my local Wendy's has lost my business. I like their food, but I lost my patience with the place.

First, which I mentioned some time ago, they closed down the Tim Horton's inside the place. They started offering breakfast, but still--no Tim's coffee or donuts. But I stayed.

Then, recently, they stopped offering breakfast at all. I liked going there for breakfast perhaps once a week to linger over breakfast while using their free WiFi. But I stayed.

Then today, I walked in with my son to grab a quick lunch before Michigan's bowl game. We were third in line, yet we stood there for at least fifteen minutes before the guy in front of us could even place his order. Meanwhile, cars are going through the drive-through at a good clip. But up front, there was just one cash register open. Which was being monopolized by a very large group with a large order.

Now mind you, they weren't to blame. They are customers. But how could the management staff the place with so few people during lunch? And then leave people stranded in line forever?

At one point, as my annoyance rose, I asked Mister if he wanted to go to Burger King. He said yes. Even though I thought this might take more time than waiting a bit more, I just couldn't reward this level of service. Actually, we were in and out of Burger King so fast that I bet we actually did save time.

So now the nearby Burger King and the somewhat nearby McDonald's will get my fast food business, such as it is. Heck, McD has free WifFi, too.

And I was a loyal customer. God help me, I'll go to Taco Bell before I return to that Wendy's again.